Just In
for Stephanie's New Deal

8/4/2013 c13 carrotmusic
I particularly liked the "kid clones". I guess every family needs one of each, eh? Thanks for sharing.
8/3/2013 c4 carrotmusic
Holy shock value, Batman! Not sure it was romantic, but it sure was surprising. Love the story so far. Thanks for sharing.
7/20/2013 c15 pjcaf
Please finish this story! I have really enjoyed it, and would love to read how it works out.
You have done a great job of keeping Stephanie and Ranger in character while moving them in a new direction. Please come back to it!
6/11/2013 c15 25CherryWolf713
This is an amazing story! I know it's been awhile since it was updated but I would love to read more if it's posted somewhere else :)

5/5/2013 c15 VVine
You did such a wonderful job having a different take on the story line. I know you've been gone for awhile but I really wish I could see where this mystery was going to go. Chapter 14 felt like an ending of the first part, so I'm glad we got there - again terrific job! Wish I knew where you were gonna take this next part...
2/22/2013 c15 4cool cat2
Hope you decide to finish would love to see what happens
11/1/2012 c15 1courtwire21
Wonderful, captivating story. Would love to see an ending!
10/9/2012 c1 rendachs
Great story - would love to follow it to a Babe HEA.
9/28/2012 c15 36Babelvr54
Can you please please please PLEASE continue? Its been months since you last updated!
7/14/2012 c1 Mooch the Cat
If you don't continue, Ranger will send you to a third-world country.
7/14/2012 c15 8fairytaleprincess03
I've really enjoyed what you've written here. I'm sorry to see there hasn't been in an update in a few years. I'd love to see it completed and what Ranger's sister is up to :-)
6/29/2012 c15 Guest
Please write is an amazing story!
1/8/2012 c15 4Wanda517

I guess I'm safe to assume this story will never be completed?

It was recommended to me, and I didn't realize first, that it was incomplete, and second, how long it had been since it was started.

I was enjoying the story, and looking forward to finding our what Maria had in mind. Sneaky little she-devil, huh?

Speaking of sneaky, Ranger was pretty sneaky, too. And taking a huge risk. Good think he was confident in his assumptions about Steph's feelings.
10/28/2011 c15 Guest
This is an awesome story, please update!
10/27/2011 c15 59got2BaBabeFan
This is an awesome story, please update!
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