Just In
for Stephanie's New Deal

6/9/2010 c2 glynnall
i love it. no idea on how to announce the engagement.
5/11/2010 c15 RangeFan
I just discovered this story again, and am dying to know what is going on with Maria (the skank). If you ever wondered if anyone wants you to finish this story, then wonder no more! I hope you decide to finish it up at some point. It's a great story so far. And I never would have known it was your first time writing smut. You did a fine job!
5/3/2010 c15 4lea-pee
Great story with amazing writing. I hope there'll be more.
1/6/2010 c15 lilyloulove
GREAT story! I'm so sad to see that you haven't updated since 07...any future plans to remedy that? You're an amazing writer!
12/28/2009 c15 glynnall
great story, different plot twist. would be great to see it finished
10/3/2009 c15 heartbreaker10
hello! I hope your still interested in writing this story! I would love to see the finished product!

8/1/2009 c15 13Alyce of the Togas

I am enjoying this fic so much! I hope you update soon.

Keep up the great writing.


~ Alyce
6/23/2009 c8 16Amers3
Steph should just let her call security, they all know her and maybe kick this puta out?
6/17/2009 c15 6babealltheway
I just stumbled across this story and it is great. I was wondering if you plan to continue the story? I would love to read more. Great job.
3/21/2009 c15 helen's daughter
just reread this fic. It is such a great piece of work. Would love it if you posted another chapter.
2/4/2009 c15 ria1328
1/18/2009 c15 Ariadne
Awesome story, I'm in knots at the cliffhanger! PLease update soon!
1/8/2009 c15 lanicker
So GOOD! Update soon!
12/9/2008 c15 16snaps48
Great story. I'm really enjoying it. There are a few things which, in my opinion, are OOC, but once I accept that it's an enjoyable story. Hope to see more from you soon.
11/20/2008 c15 allyn3
I see it's been about a year since you've updated this story. I ran across it today and couldn't stop reading it. It is really good and the plot is great. I really hope you have plans to finish it. I really want to know what's going on with Maria!
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