Just In
for The Name Game

6/26/2007 c4 1lexijake14
Hey! Another great chapter! I love the close, yet tense relationship you've put Beej and Lyds together through. Now that the plot is being revealed more, it makes me more interested and I can't wait to read more. Welp! Till next time! Update soon!
5/23/2007 c3 21Mad-Hatter-LCarol
yeah... beetlejuice not do anything stupid. Right- you sure those brains of yours hasn't rotted right out of that head, june-bug?

^^ this is looking up

tea with your insainty?
5/22/2007 c3 1Naked Revenge
Sweet. I like it. Update soon!
5/20/2007 c3 8laal ratty
Super chapter, I look forward to more. I loved the image of Beetlejuice being used for a pillow.
5/19/2007 c3 1lexijake14
Wow...there aren't a lot of BJ fics out there, but I really like this one. It seems to catch BJ's soft side while keeping in touch with the 'Ghost with the Most'. Update soon.
5/18/2007 c3 Yetipie
Wow! Good stuff, it's gettin' pretty exciting!
5/16/2007 c2 1SnickeringDoodle
Hi! Just want to say, I love this story! Update soon!
5/12/2007 c2 mysweetsixteen
Keep up the good work! There is such a lack of Betelgeuse stories, especially ones that last past a few chapters. I will look forward to updates and Betelgeuse's new plot!
5/9/2007 c2 1Undoubtfully-Insane
Oh, this is a really good story. Beej is such a perv. Anyway, I really liked it. YAY!
5/8/2007 c2 Yetipie
Woo! Another chapter! Still love it, hope you put more up soon!
5/7/2007 c2 TheInvincibleKay
5/6/2007 c2 45wee-me
I like how you described them both and how Betel is reacting to her. I'm liking this, I hope you continue.
5/4/2007 c1 TheInvincibleKay
aw she knows she likes him!
5/4/2007 c1 Yetipie
Oh, seriousness! LOVE it! Very exciting and all! Can't wait for more!
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