Just In
for The Marauders and Me

10/24/2013 c10 sirius's chick
"oh...eeww..but,moony,i don't swing that way." soo funny!
10/24/2013 c9 sirius's chick
i know who the stalker is! (shifty eyes,shifty eyes)...(leans in nonchalantly(its a word...look it up))..(whispers) it's the ice cream guy...(shouting)ISN'T IT THE ICE CREAM GUY WHO IS STALKING CHAR!? (every one stares at us)...(me:whispering) do you think they heard me...?
10/19/2013 c6 sirius's chick
D i LOVE THIS!(i say as a complete and utter marauder nut(especially...squeals..sirius!))
9/16/2013 c12 just a person
OMG i freakn love those two Puffs! :D
9/16/2013 c12 just a person

*runs away while flailing arms*
8/31/2013 c54 Guest
I absolutely loved the story just one thing... you forgot about the kitten! He just disappeared!
8/31/2013 c54 Sharq
This story was truly amazing. You created great OC's and everything seemed so real to me the way a book should. This story got alot of emotions out of me... I actually cried at the end. You're an amazing writer and I hope you never give it up! You have a gift!
7/22/2013 c12 guest
I LOVE the matchmaking, turning James hair pink AND MOST OF ALL, the riding down the banisters. It's the funniest thing.
5/16/2013 c54 MelissaGarden1996
I loved this story it is truly the best harry potter fanfiction I have read. I was actually in tears at the ending but in a good way :)
4/27/2013 c54 23FamousNoOne
I was wary at first, but this... This was amazing. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this story. I'm upset that you sent her back, but... I guess it had to happen... Char is one on those OCs that will forever be etched in my mind. Thank you for such a lovely story.
4/10/2013 c4 1Freedom its2l8
A suib a really powerful squib or a Mage.
3/30/2013 c19 6Alayna Wood
Just thought to remind that James is the Gryffindor Seeker, not a Chaser.
3/29/2013 c54 1ptl4ever419
I absolutely adored your story. It made me laugh and cry. I fell in love with your characters, your au world. I sincerely hope you continue writing in some form because you have serious talent, siriusly (couldn't resist (;) thank you for taking your time to write. Hope to read more of you in the future. And just out if curiosity is Char you?
3/27/2013 c6 Me
Ok... This is just too randomly ridiculous to continue reading
3/27/2013 c1 Me
So, first time picking up a "reality hits the books" story, and I have to say, kinda cute. Although, I am confused as to why Char wouldn't warn the Mauraders about Peter from the get go.
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