Just In
for After you'd gone

6/29/2007 c4 2chemicalgirl31
hhum... how can i say... SPIKE AND DAWN, HUG IN A BED, SPIKE HAL-NAKED, PLAYING WHIT HER HAIR? I WANT SPUFFY, NO SPAWN... SPAWN ITS... EW! (sorry, im little overeacting sometimes)
5/25/2007 c3 RabidReject
Little dialogue heavy, and I'm not sure what is going on. That being said I like the story premise and your dialogue is pretty nice.
5/24/2007 c2 11Neo Princess Moon
O thank God! You had me worried for a little with the D/S thing. Hurry and update! I wanna get to the Spuffy.
5/24/2007 c2 2chemicalgirl31
thank you no spike/dawn i think is disgusting! continue your good job!
5/18/2007 c1 11Neo Princess Moon
You definatly got some potential here. Personally I get impatiant in any story when I have to wait to see Buffy and Spike interacting, but I have the feeling that this one is going to be worth the wait. ;) One quick note, you might want to edit your summery, cuz you have some typeos in it. I'll be awaiting the next chapter.
5/17/2007 c1 candycorn123
I´ll definetly read the next chapter but this one was a bit short.
5/17/2007 c1 1katyjg
that was really good please continue as i love buffy and spike and want to find out what wouldhappen if they saw each other again!
5/17/2007 c1 2chemicalgirl31
thats cool, but when the hellmout was destroy, all the town is detroy. so where dawn, buffy and all the others characters are?
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