5/21/2007 c1 5Twilight and Silence
This was great! Love this couple. I loved how you did Cristina's whole analysis of why she and Meredith make such a great couple.
This was great! Love this couple. I loved how you did Cristina's whole analysis of why she and Meredith make such a great couple.
5/19/2007 c1 14greeneyedconstellations
oh my god. this is one of the most amazingly well written fics i have ever read. you are definitely a character writer! this was SO amazing and i loved it! seriously, props! because you're a really talented writer! keep it up!
oh my god. this is one of the most amazingly well written fics i have ever read. you are definitely a character writer! this was SO amazing and i loved it! seriously, props! because you're a really talented writer! keep it up!
5/18/2007 c1 16TheMuleteer
Not bad at all. I always thought there was something else between the two dominant personalities of the show. Do write more, because this appears to be genuinely good first-person work; something a LOT of authors on this site fail miserably to do. Great work, and keep it up!
Not bad at all. I always thought there was something else between the two dominant personalities of the show. Do write more, because this appears to be genuinely good first-person work; something a LOT of authors on this site fail miserably to do. Great work, and keep it up!