Just In
for The Arrangement

6/1/2016 c4 mryann
Ohh its a great start..
6/1/2016 c3 mryann
What a way to greet each other..
6/1/2016 c2 mryann
I cant wait to see their reaction..
6/1/2016 c1 mryann
Ohh i love it
10/24/2015 c20 Serenity312
Aw, I enjoyed it! It was a really sweet story. Ill always love vampire stories and this one was very unique. I love how their relationship progressed throughout the story. Yay for a happy ending :)
2/26/2013 c20 that1reviewer
I liked the premise of this story, it's very interesting! But the writing could definitely use some work and editing. And I would have liked to have seen the events extended orb perhaps diamond have had absence act. But all in all I liked it! :)
10/9/2012 c20 Mzmiami
really enjoyed it pretty good
10/3/2009 c1 5BrowneBunny
OMG! i love the swan princess, i have the movie, i played it so much that i know every word for word. i love how you put it in your story. ^.^ ♥
2/11/2009 c20 1RoyalLovers1418
2/5/2009 c18 10SailorMoon489
aw this is so romantic!

and i just love how you named

the chapter title after one of

my favorite soap operas! well tv

drama show that my mom and cousin

got me hooked on to.

cannot wait until i finish it!

amazing job!

2/2/2009 c7 SailorMoon489
dammn! i cannot believe that they did that to william! damn, i bet if that was in a movie or something, i would probably be laughing up a storm... but if i had saw that in real life, then i would be screaming in terror! great story! this is so awsome!
2/1/2009 c5 SailorMoon489
aww i'm so happy that they are finally starting to cave into their feelings for each other... damn diamond! i never liked him... lol

2/1/2009 c1 SailorMoon489
oh my gosh! i just love how you used the actual story but changed it up so that it wouldn't be Plagiarizing but still original... and i love how you used the lyrics from the song that they sing in the beginning when they first meet and the next few winters but in the movie its summer. Another part that is also original is that you changed it to vampires and that they meet in winter! you are such a smart writer! i tried to write my own sailor moon verson of the swan princess but it got no where so i just deleted it... i love your story so much! and also b/c its complete!


sorry for the really long review...
9/3/2008 c20 ms. quinn lee
I like the story very much. Good job...
4/6/2008 c20 20Fallin-Alone-Scared-Lost
I did like the whole story alot :). Thanks for the email. This was/is a great story. Anyone reading this review should really read this!
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