Just In
for Warm in my Bed

9/8/2007 c8 nyklm
Friedmans an ass. HAHAHA.
9/7/2007 c8 Hannora
It was rather naughty ;o) I don’t like syrupy stories for sure, but a little more romance wouldn’t have been bad. Anyway, it was a good story. I hope you’ve got some ideas on the bench ‘cause I’ve really liked your previous stories too (especially “Cabin by the lake”) and it’d be cool to read another one anytime soon.
9/1/2007 c8 veeblog
You posted as promise. Luke is so sweet. I've already fallen for him. lol

Great ending, I love it.

You know I hope to see your other new L/G fictions.
8/29/2007 c7 nyklm
Some cousin. *snicker*
8/25/2007 c7 veeblog
It's awesome. It's only my thought or that I've not got details as much as the older chapters? Anyway, I'm okay with it. I thought there was going to be 'I love you' phrases to declare their love clearly before they made love. But it's cool. Luke is so cute. Who doesn't love him?

I thought (yeah, it's my thought again.) that you were not going to continue this. Two weeks is too long for me.

Epilogue! I can't wait for that.
8/10/2007 c6 veeblog
Now you're totally killing me. This story has the most... L/G hottest make-out scenes I've ever read in L/G fictions. I'm sure! And that's why this's awesome.

Please go on, I'm going to get my mind out of this story.

I'm listening to 'Touch' by Amerie. Am I only thinking or a part of that song fits to this story?

Love you!
8/9/2007 c6 nyklm
only 2 chapters? sure you're not gonna need more?
8/4/2007 c2 veeblog
hey, I need the final. Just hope you'll post the final chapter soon. I'm dying.
7/26/2007 c5 veeblog
Oh my god, three more chapters. I love you.

I'm fifteen. They're such awesome chapters. I love all of them. Even better than the first two chapters. Luke/Grace sexual scenes are really amazing. I love how Luke reacted to Grace. It's so his personality.

Please update the new chapter soon. I'm getting addicted to this.
7/25/2007 c5 nyklm
I guess I need to play my Sims game more often...mine have never woowhoed...for that matter my Sim never comes home after it gets a just disappears.
7/19/2007 c4 nyklm
Surprise, surprise I vote for another more heated version too. :-D
7/18/2007 c4 Hannora
Are The Sims gonna be a strong diversion enough...? Good job.
7/13/2007 c1 veeblog
I love this. _
7/10/2007 c3 nyklm
Good job you had me blushing.
7/6/2007 c3 anon
It is interesting to see someone try to play around with these characters when they aren't being tentative. Hope you update this soon.

Grace's reaction to her mother was really when I saw the character.
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