Just In
for An Authoress's Tears

11/5/2015 c1 Guest
This fic is basically is me.
Literally last week Norrie and I met up and discussed his childhood as we walked through a forest. I prefer my imaginary world...(sigh)
Admittedly when I first watched PotC I was a bit too young to understand everything (All the guys in powdered wigs looked the same to me. D'X I only knew Jack, Will, Liz, Barbossa and Becketts names ) but I watched it a few years later(not remembering everything that happens) and fell in love with Norringtons character (purely platonic at the moment).
I also reassess that I've developed a strong dislike for Elizabeth...go figure
6/3/2012 c1 5SeverinadeStrango
I actually sat down and made myself cry for are definitely not alone!

- Severina
2/8/2009 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great story. Very good.
12/28/2008 c1 17damsel-in-stress
Nice to know i'm probably not the only person who drew looks from people in the cinema when i started weeping in AWE.


3/23/2008 c1 6Eryn Goddess of Chaos
I don't remember if I cried at the theater or not but I do know I cried when I saw this movie on DVD. Our poor James. I should smite Elizabeth for breaking his heart. He didn't deserve it. Not at all...This was heart breaking but wonderfully written. I feel for the rest of the James Norrington fans. I'm with you all.

May you rest in peace James.
12/5/2007 c1 11GoGothGirl
There, there dear. Darling James died a happy man. Although i cannot say that there's not a day goes by without me wanting to crush Elizabeth for crushing James' (bless his soul) heart, but she DID gave him the kiss of his life. Ironic as he died right after. (sigh) Though he might have preferred to go down with his own ship, i'm sure dying a hero's death was an acceptable option in Jamesie's book. (choked sob) Ah, James. Your life and death shall be remembered among your fangirls.
9/15/2007 c1 Pirates fan
*sob* WHY MUST JAMES DIE? You speak for so many girls out there.

I was in the theatre with my friend Molly, and when I saw poor James get run through by *furious glare* Bootstrap (GR) I was in complete tears. I hadn't cried like that in a long time, I completly broke down in sobs. Molly was sitting and trying to not cry and comfort me, but it was useless.

Awesome story, though.

James has earned a very special place in my heart.
9/15/2007 c1 James rox
That was really great, it made me cry. Poor James, he had to be so darn heroic and noble. But, that's how he is. I can't believe he loved Elizabeth that much...James is the best!
8/30/2007 c1 4Mocha Crab
GA! I LOVE YOU JAMES! ugh! when i saw that in the theater i think i was the only one to cry... i told my mom how all my favorite authors are killing off my favorite characters (j.k. rowling-lupin) and she told me i was strange... i get that a lot though so i'm ok with that... but WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE! if he had been a weenie and became immortal then will would have been his captian and he could have stabbed him again and all the girls who like norrington would cheer! alas it is too late for that in the movies but we fangirls must carry on his legacy and show how much we love him... and i've written too much again... GA!
6/26/2007 c1 1darthpeaches
I was the only one who cried when he died at our theatre. T_T

Then EVERYONE cried when Will got stabbed and I was like, "Oh, shut up, he'll walk it off."

But I've taken to pretending it never happened, so to me he is the IMMORTAL ADMIRAL JAMES NORRINGTON. lol
6/19/2007 c1 drunk.monkey
*runs away crying freaking eyes out* I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! When he gets stabbed...I can feel it in my heart! WAH!
6/16/2007 c1 1Fraulein Chacha
You speak for many, many sad fangirls.
6/16/2007 c1 Jane
Aw... I know how you feel... I havent even seen the movie (I aint payin to see Norrie die) but I know what happends and am really sad about it. But there is fanfic! Thank GOD for all the fanfic. And there is ALOT of fix-it-fics already! Go read them! I doubt that James is the most popular character, but he certainly is the most obsessed over secondary character!
6/15/2007 c1 10BohemianCane04
Ah! ::sobs:: teh cute! I am so with you. His death is a tragedy, but he will always live on thanks to the writers who keep him close. Your passion is to be commended, and your review brightened my day!
6/5/2007 c1 Jess is Pirate
Aw Ameh now you made me cry ;_; Beautiful job with that, very moving. And how you manetion that you'll find him and bypass the border between imaginary and reality kind of reminds me of Blaze. perhaps you will find both of them, or maybe they are one in the same, or the two have nothing to do with eachother which has resulted in a facepalm ^^; Ah, what do I know, well, time for the math homework T_T oh well, second to last one of the year! Wo!
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