Just In
for A McPerfect life

5/11/2019 c13 Kimmy
Love it. And the way you included characters from Gilmore Girls.
10/1/2017 c13 2EvermoreComplex
I forgot about this story, glad I reread it again. <3 I hope one day you continue this story there are not many stories that smoothly maintain a positve, fluffy Addek pairing. AND I always wondeed what it would be like if Addison and Lorelai were friends on the same show, two of my favorite dynamic characters!
5/3/2016 c13 3abandonedsoz
Wow! This is amazing. Wish there was more.
8/27/2013 c13 Jennifer1910
Amazing :D :* * - - *
7/31/2013 c13 nichelle1994
I know it's pretty hopeless at this point but please please update soon.
3/8/2013 c13 Happy J
I know you stopped posting nearly 3 years ago, but i have to tell you, I enjoyed you story.
I Love the perfect couple and I also like Alex and Izzie.

Even that I will never read the end of the story I stared to read :) Why?
I love The Shepherds!
4/1/2012 c13 amazing
great job! you should really consider updating, this is a great story with a great crossover
2/2/2012 c13 ADSSS
This is such an amazing story. Love it!
12/10/2010 c13 14Lady Isabelle Black
please update this story soon

can't wait to read the next chapter

will logan (gg) come to visit rory or her friends from yale?
2/22/2010 c13 katie
yay an update!i love this story please update again soon
3/16/2009 c12 3j0k3
love it !

typing with my wii just to prove it.

please continue , its awesome!
10/18/2008 c12 Fire Dolphin
nice, i love this type of twist. please update soon. i hope logan come into the picture.
7/13/2008 c12 9picric drea
I love this story, especially the Willy Wonka line in the flashback. Update soon!
6/21/2008 c12 Mony19
Glad that Rory woke up

Addie/Derek are cute.

ud soon
6/21/2008 c12 jessika
i love this ,

and especially with gilmore girls mixed in :)

my two fav tv couples ; addison and derek & luke and lorelai .! update son please
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