Just In
for A Silly Thing Called Love

4/27/2018 c5 Guest
Seeeeeequelllll! Ohh I better go look if you've done one first lol
8/30/2017 c5 aliceyou'relate
Dude another one! This is gold!
8/29/2015 c5 EllanaS
I loved it ! This is a very sweet story. Sirius and Remus are perfect together, and I loved how perceptive James was, I was just as surprised as Lily haha Thanks for sharing :)
1/8/2015 c5 81Kristy SR
I really liked the story. It has been pretty good, although I would have liked a longer history. I have not read something that I like them. I was surprised to learn that Remus had also liked something James and Lily.

I was wondering if you did not care to translate the story into Spanish. Of course, I'd say the story is yours.

Goodbye. Thank You
5/20/2014 c5 her
wahh..! whole thing was utterly cute . so sweet n I loved how they were bantering even while having sex .hehe. also all of remus's doubts n fears r somthing I could relate to so it made this story a enjoyable read for me .
5/20/2014 c3 her
He hated love for its utter apathy, its relentlessness, its total disregard for the suffering and heartache it inflicted.- I loved this line . it struck me with its utter truthfullness . I like this story . its quiet nice . keep up the good work
12/8/2013 c3 47Lupin3black
Well love, your asking a Irish person on how to channel your inner Brit? Ha ha, that makes me laugh. Anyhow, this was bloody brilliant!
3/12/2013 c5 SiriuslyMoonlight
I love your sense of humour
11/16/2012 c5 44TheFifthCharmedOne
Sorry. Just had to put that out there. -breathes- Okay, understandable review time now.


Everything was so utterly perfect and amazing and my GOD ekdakljfkldsjgkldasjdckmklaf ioakjfiodnfioaebgiov.

Sorry for the gibberish, the amazingness makes it hard to create proper words. fkasfkdjsakfjlk So freaking awesome, I loved every single letter of it.

-goes to stalk the rest of your stuff- -guilty-not guilty-smile-

7/16/2012 c5 3in fantasy
Oh, this was so adorable and well written. Also loved the way you portrayed the relationship between J/L as well.
3/26/2012 c5 GoBalbucs
This was good- I really liked it! :D

But Siri DOES end up breaking his heart! D;

Anyway, awesome job! XD
3/23/2012 c5 2Azakura
AHH! SO GOOD! The writing is beautiful-everything is concise yet conveys EVERYTHING, the emotions and all, at the same time! Love it
12/22/2011 c5 Siriusly-Tara97
Sirius snorted, flashing a small, wicked grin. "Horny, Moony. The word's horny. And I'm not. Well, I am. But not for you. I mean I am for you just not only—and I'm going to shut up now."

Hehe absolutely adorable! Although I would have preferred if they had taken it a bit slower at the end.. Still a great story though :D
12/14/2011 c1 CezzieD
Aww, poor Remus! Loved first chapter and I am looking forward to reading more of this.
7/27/2011 c5 2GotCinnamonPunkC13

That was so effing adorable
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