Just In
for A Strange, Sweet Sound

10/6/2007 c5 5Lady Moon Dragon
Good so far, i don't like it how you have short chapters *sniff*-it makes me want to read without stopping (augh! cliff hanger!). Poor Erik, so lonely... I hope you update soon i cant wait to see what happens

lady moon dragon
10/6/2007 c5 3Monj
Aww, poor Erik. I liked the sad, melancholy nature of his thoughts, about what other distractions that Chrstine has. I'm glad you're writing again!
6/27/2007 c4 13sparklyscorpion
I feel really bad for Christine here - for Erik as well, both of them suffered something akin to a nightmare, which is a real shame since it started out so well. I guess they should have gone with more groping and less unmasking. ;) Yay fair drabbles!
6/27/2007 c3 sparklyscorpion
Aww, the monkey waking her up - yay Erin Stewart's Christine, that's who comes to mind for this one. :) Poor Christine discovering that her angel is a mere man, yet RAA for her remembering those sinfully delicious hands. ;) I kind of feel bad though, since I know what's coming next!
6/27/2007 c2 sparklyscorpion
Oh my, the hairslick...well, you know how I feel about a good one of THOSE. ;) For some reason this is really calling to mind David Gaschen's Phantom, with the wanting to be in control but not being able to keep it all in check when she's standing before him, and then trying to regain control afterwards. You know I love it! :D
6/27/2007 c1 sparklyscorpion
I really like this drabble because it gives us more of a window into Christine's thoughts during this scene. The poor girl must have been terrified. For some reason this one makes me think about Marni and how she does the arm thing twice - hopefully that isn't a bad comparison for you, I really do like these. :)
6/22/2007 c4 19Mongie
Oo, I like this. It would be too easy to just dismiss it all, except for something physical like that. Poor Christine sad. It's a good thing Mme Giry sent her home to rest so she wasn't there for the whole Notes fiasco.
6/22/2007 c3 Mongie
That would certainly be confusing to wake up to. I love I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It so much. I think you captured her mood very well. :D
6/22/2007 c2 Mongie
M the hand movement. I do love that moment, even more than the portcullis sprawl, because the sprawl is often blocked by candleabras. I like how Erik's so eager. So cute. :D
6/22/2007 c1 Mongie
Aw Christine, such a dupe! At least she's so innocent about it. It must have been too easy for Erik to manipulate her. Yay E/C drabbles!
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