Just In
for Second Loves, Second Chances

10/11/2008 c8 4Gyreflight
I never would have expected this pairing to work, let alone work so well. I started reading because I trust you, and I’ve always liked your Eries…although now I come to think of it, I enjoyed your Dryden in /Love and Duty/ as well, so perhaps it’s less surprising than I thought. Anyway, I kept reading because it’s a really good, well-written and engaging story, and because I was having fun :-)

You write them very well together, starting from the points they have in common and their willingness to try to connect and befriend each other, and letting the development of the relationship progress in-character and at a natural pace without disregarding the emotions that they have held for others.

Thanks for the read.

6/15/2008 c8 33arysani
That was really really good. I'm sorry I ever doubted you.

I don't know what else to say, except thank you for writing this - Dryden, Allen, Eries, Celena...and even Alucier and Sita and Revius...all wonderful.

I was so taken in by your Dryden that now I'm pondering which of your other fics to read next...
6/15/2008 c7 arysani
Oh Celena. She's hi-larious, really. I love her the way you write her. Blunt is just a matter of mind - she doesn't mind, so it doesn't matter.

And I kinda love that you're painting a more optimistic future for Alucier and Sita than "Intrigues" did, even though that one was so practical as to be inarguable. I still have a few romantic bones in my body, and I like to think that, just possibly, they get to be so happy.

Just one more to go...
6/15/2008 c6 arysani
I probably shouldn't be throwing around that I get really emotionally involved in books, movies, the leap from "books and telly" to "fanfic" really isn't all that great.

I covered my face when they were all arguing, Fassas and Astons. I kept peeking out from between my fingers like it was going to tone down while I was hiding. Good stuff.

And Millerna. So mature. Even though I was (okay, still am - this story is an exception) a stalwart D/M fan, your mature, well-meaning Millerna and your wonderful, lovely, Dryden give me a placeholder. Even though they're not together, they still grow into these amazing people.

I'm just sad that it's almost over!

(Also, I didn't comment on it before, probably because I was caught up in something else, but I throughly enjoy moments broken by hungry stomachs - I always thought it was horrifyingly embarassing, but in "Blood+", it's just so damn cute and funny, that I've finally appreciated it - and worked it into one of my own fics as well...I just had to put my two cents in there in favor of such a device ^^)
6/15/2008 c5 arysani
Ah. I think my eyebrows couldn't've gotten closer to my hairline reading Celena's recounting of Allen & Dryden's fight.

That is, until Eries was having all those thoughts of what it would mean, about her past with romance...and then I think I stopped breathing when Dryden went to her...

I am so jealous. That would have been a really good dream.

Holy crap. I'm a freakin' convert.

(Or maybe I just don't find it at all odd or strange that someone could fall for Dryden...)
6/15/2008 c4 arysani
Awesome. This one didn't end with me in a delicate emotional state. Much better.

Ah, the Dacian ball. How many pivotal moments have sprouted thence?

While I'm not sure how this is going to end, I do enjoy that my initial fear of Dryden/Eries isn't shoved into the reader's face, but rather is a slow building thing which makes complete sense. It's the mark of a good writer, I suppose, who makes you change your opinion based on the circumstances they present. :)
6/15/2008 c3 arysani
That ending - I am nearly in tears. I want to coddle Dryden and tell him it will be okay...

Alas, I'm just so caught up in that moment that I can hardly comment on the other things in this chapter - needless to say, I'm continuing to enjoy it. You're quite the weaver.
6/15/2008 c2 arysani
Lobster castenets! Ha! How wonderful!

I love your Dryden. I mean, it's kinda hard for me not to love Dryden, no matter how he's painted, but when he's so well-written as such that his motives and personality are laid bare and make so much sense, I love him even more. Even if his bluntness caused me to giggle more than once.

And I'm really enjoying his repartee with Eries - seems they have more in common than I thought, and it's playing out very well. It appears that, written this well, and this way, slowly, that I'm not as adverse to the situation as I previously thought. You're covering all the angles, and convincing me very well. Bravo. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
6/15/2008 c1 arysani
So many thoughts on this first chapter.

I...I wasn't going to read it. I want that to, in no way, be insulting, but I am such a hardcore D/M fan that I couldn't bear to think of them with other people! I know, silly-yet-strange excuse.

But you handled it very very well. I found myself accepting that Millerna was being a more mature individual, yet still couldn't throw herself into something she really wasn't sure she wanted. And with all the outside influences, how could she really know anyway?

Poor Dryden! I love the man, I really do, and even though you're breaking his heart, he's still so in character. The Sylphy story! Cracked me up. "Sticking your face in raw tuna" - what a sensory image. But it also gives us that one more insight into how he's justifying leaving her for good. Even if it does break MY heart. And I think I'm going to love Hariotte - she's adorable.

Speaking of original characters, lovelovelove that Aerika S's Revius and Alucier are back. And in someone else's story! Soon they too will become canon all on their own! (a girl can dream, can't she? haha)

Can't wait to read the rest!
2/4/2008 c8 28Aerika S
Hee! Bald Chid! There's one way to ensure no one will think he looks like Allen.

I loved the dances. Aston's was sweet though not too mushy. Meiden's was as pragmatic as you'd think. I really think he would enjoy the idea of Eries being kept barefoot and pregnant.

My favorites though were the dances with the Caeli men and the understandings she reached with all of them.

I knew she'd hold on to that book! She'll probably need it considering how frisky Dryden was being...

It's been a thrill reading this. As much as you have playing with my Escaverse, it's just as fun watching it. Anytime you want to borrow Alucier and co., feel free.
1/27/2008 c8 15Rad
*Girly sigh* Yay happy endings!

I'm glad Grava said all that stuff, 'bout time!

Hm... where was Sita during all this? Dancing with Alucier?

~*~ Rad
1/7/2008 c7 28Aerika S
I already told you I loved this but I couldn't resist rereading and telling you again. Though I don't think I told you how lovely Sita was in this chapter so there's something new!
1/5/2008 c7 36Kenta Divina
I think I just about captured Eries's reaction myself to Celena's gift. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything at my computer!

Ignorance is such bliss, but reality much more fun!

I am breathlessly waiting for the grand finale, but I'll be very sad to see another end to another great work of Fanfic. It is so hard to come by.
11/30/2007 c6 28Aerika S
Ah, Aston. He talks a mean game but in the end, caves into his daughters. He has a point though about how this will look to the outside world. Good thing Asturia doesn't have tabloids!

I'm sure Meiden will have some choice words for his son. Hey, he did want to have a princess for a daughter in law, so he can't complain too much! Yeah, right.

Now to the heart of the chapter, at least for me. I loved Eries' chat with Allen - blunt when she needed to be, but also careful of that delicate male ego. They really do know each other so well so using their past to explain why she wants the future she wants was really effective, for Allen and the reader. He's overprotective to a fault but he'd never deny a gal her happiness.

Hmm, so I get power over the next chapter. That'll be a scene where Eries dumps Dryden for Allen, right? Kidding, just let me know what you want and I'll be happy to help! :)
11/27/2007 c6 strangedream
Wow, a couple of big scenes here. I'm glad it's all out in the open and that no one *quite* had a heart attack. Also, about the collars, heehee. Too tired for a long review, but looking forward to the next bit.
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