Just In
for Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

8/3/2012 c11 Minitiki
oh snap
6/8/2012 c18 Double R Starr
I had my doubts when I read the summary, but I really liked it mostly the plot though
3/27/2012 c19 SkyRider328
Love the story it was nice to see that even after all blaise and hermione went through the still managed to find there happy ending in the end. It was a nice happy story with a twist as often these bet stories end so sad and sometimes lonely. Love it again, good luck on your next story.
3/27/2012 c19 SkyRider328
Love the story it was nice to see that even after all blaise and hermione went through the still managed to find there happy ending in the end. It was a nice happy story with a twist as often these bet stories end so sad and sometimes lonely. Love it again, good luck on your next story.
3/8/2012 c19 jowilleatyuh
LMAO! I loved the entire "Snape being an older brother" thing- definitely added some attitude into this xD Hahaaa w
2/21/2012 c19 yay
...SHE GOT A TRAMP STAMP? Ok, so the first part is good, but the rest of the fic is uber cliche.
2/21/2012 c18 yay
I wonder what her name will be...

awww, that's cute.
2/21/2012 c16 yay
This is rapidly becoming more and more cliche.
2/21/2012 c14 yay
Hermione is totally right. They didn't care about her, just revenge. *sighs*
2/21/2012 c13 yay
Oh my god, that poor girl.
2/21/2012 c12 yay
And this is why they should have told Ginny.
2/21/2012 c11 yay
She's going to cure lycanthropy! *bounce while clapping*
2/21/2012 c10 yay
I don't understand why Ginny's so embarrassed.
2/21/2012 c9 yay
I think that they should tell her. Oh, is ickle Blaise getting a conscience?
2/21/2012 c8 yay
That's not love, that's possessiveness. I like the coalition of girls seeking revenge.
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