Just In
for Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

6/23/2007 c3 dragonflybaby
hello! i really do like this story. i usually don't really go for the whole blaise and hermione thing, but this time it's good! and the relationship between hermione and severus is SO interesting and makes for a really good plot! i really do love this story! great job! =)

dragonflybaby =)
6/23/2007 c3 Monnbeam
The two chapters were brilliant so looking forward to the next update hope it is soon,keep up the good work
6/23/2007 c3 bookworm3213
Great story! Iove all of the realtionships! (Hermione/Severus sibs, etc). Update soon!
6/23/2007 c3 1zwn
so great. I just posted the review and then a new chapter happens to come up! Fabolous! Guess who can't stop smiling? :P

Liked the last part :P

cant wait 4 the rest

- adds 2 favs -
6/23/2007 c2 zwn
Nice, nice, very nice. I just wished that the chapter was longer, but, hey, it's just two so far, so..

great story,

update soon
6/22/2007 c2 Crazy About Him
Very good- I was wishing it was longer! I love how she interacted with Severus and I love how Blaise and Draco followed her down there, very delicious!

I love how she is SO different just when she takes her robe off, and how she reacts so differently to facing Harry and Ron or facing the whole Great Hall.

Make it longer next time so I have more to shower praises on!

But for now I simply shower praises on all that has so far been written.

~Crazy About Him
6/22/2007 c2 I read not write

things are heating up.

can't wait for the next update!
6/22/2007 c2 dragonflybaby
hm...this is a very interesting plot! i want to know what happens! you'll update soon right? =) great story!

dragonflybaby =)
6/22/2007 c2 4mistinthenight
I like it ad i hope to see more soon!
6/22/2007 c2 WhiteGreen
mm. kinda dramatic the last part with Severus.. but a great chapter otherwise. :)) update update.. updates.. *drooling*.. :)
6/22/2007 c1 3Alianna-Kypiroth
dump him dump him
6/21/2007 c1 Crazy About Him
This is excellent. I admit when I first started the chapter I was doubtful as to whether or not I'd like it, but it exceeded the expectations I had put down for it- she called him Sevvy, that just makes me laugh.

Now I want to know what he wanted to talk to her about at the Order meeting, and more about their past as well as more about Blaise- you've set down a somewhat complicated plot for yourself, but I'd really like it if you continued!

~Crazy About Him
6/21/2007 c1 WhiteGreen
0_0.. I want more... more.. ! pretty please? until now i like the plot.. let`s see what next :)
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