Just In
for The Bottom of the Lake

7/24 c35 odonnellzoo99
Creative and a fun read.
5/17 c35 8nounours4
I like this story.
Enjoying to read and write.
1/27/2022 c28 peggy77
Wish you had used a bubblehead charm on Harry instead of gillyweed.
1/27/2022 c22 peggy77
Well, that was a convenient way to get rid of Nagini! Not knocking it though as you made it necessary to the story.
Oh no! Hope that doesn't cause a problem!
9/10/2021 c35 Guest
Thank you, i really did enjoy this story. One of the most fun stroies ive come upon. Harrys first act as head boy was hilarious.
9/10/2021 c34 Guest
Its hilarious how many times voldemort stepped on his own dick and had horrible luck
9/10/2021 c31 Guest
Very excellent writing, all around
9/10/2021 c30 Guest
Feel pretty bad for Malfoy
9/10/2021 c24 Guest
Surprised hermione didnt lay into harry for being so reckless. At this point she must be really afraid of him haha .
9/10/2021 c20 Guest
Voldemort heh some leader getting all of his death eaters killed. Harry's going to kick his ass.
9/10/2021 c18 Guest
I liked Michelle the newb
9/10/2021 c15 Guest
That was funny, Ron egging Harry on like that.
9/10/2021 c14 Guest
Oooh Hermione you clever little scarlett mynx, redirecting Ginny away from Harry like that, heheh...
9/10/2021 c12 Guest
This story is pretty epic
9/28/2020 c35 1anjiepotter
absolutely brilliant
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