Just In
for Essences of Lily Revised

8/4/2022 c18 loleo
how dumb can you bei to unvail your secrets to a bunch of children you know nothing off? secret oath or not... you lived secretly for years and now, you meet some children... and whom, all are best friends, all will hold your secrets? DUMB
2/28/2022 c10 wtf
why did you make him sound like a faggot loseing his temper what a dumbass
12/27/2021 c32 Guest
Book five is fucking stupid as well. So is book four, book three, book two, and book one. Jk Rowling was an idiot incapable of good plot.
12/27/2021 c27 Guest
Hope Ron either grows the fuck up or dies. Pathetic cretin.
12/27/2021 c25 Guest
Another moron seemingly content to sit and do nothing and let evil win rather than actually doing something productive. You writer are an idiot. There is no reason for Harry to keep putting stuff off or letting people keep secrets from him.
12/27/2021 c21 Guest
Harry continues to be a brainless moron. There is no honor or chivalry in his actions. Just immature stupidity. I’m hating your Harry with a passion! Why? Because he’s a fucking idiot who deserves to be tortured non stop until he is cured of being a moron. Lily is a stupid bitch who should be banished to hell. And snape, that pathetic shit stain! Anyone who tries to say that snape in misunderstood or really a good guy should have their face caved in repeatedly. Fucking idiotic bastards should be sterilized.
12/27/2021 c20 Guest
Idiots. Why would Amelia bones be ok with dumbledor telling the students of a death trap in school? Why was Sirius left in jail for three years for no reason whatsoever? The minister doesn’t have the right to do what he did. The other not reason fudge could do that is if Amelia and dumbledor went along with it. And since dumbledor is trying to make amends, I doubt he would have. It’s all really fucking stupid.
12/27/2021 c15 Guest
This chapter made me lose respect for you as a writer and a human of intelligence. You are now subpar at writing and I no longer think of you as intelligent.
12/27/2021 c7 Guest
Fuck you. Suffer as you deserve. Moron
12/27/2021 c6 Guest
Dumb motherfucker. Sirius deserves death in Azkaban for betraying Harry like that.
11/12/2021 c32 yudhazebba
7/20/2021 c10 Guest
What's so special about this story if Harry still lives hard life at Dursleys. If Sirius still suffers. Codswallop!
5/17/2021 c11 3Charlee56
One huge error; Arthur Pendragon well pre-dated Charlemagne as well as his existed near the end of the Roman occupation of Britain. He was a king who'd seen service as a Roman Knight, a minor nobleman but a commander of a troop. There supposedly truly was a "King Arthur" in this way, but not the kind found in the stories.
Charlemagne came along in the 700's, and fought the Muslims and Turks who tried to invade southern Europe. Truly, you'll find enough valorous tales there for ten such Kings if you look!
Figure that Arthur lived in the 5th Century AD and Charlemagne during the 8th. That may help.
5/14/2021 c32 59EdTheBeast
An extremely good, must read story!
12/26/2020 c32 LBII
Well done! Thank you! I will look forward to any future tales from you. Stay healthy!
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