Just In
for Vampire Hunter

8/31/2015 c18 imperialcrystalgirl
Where are the new chappies? It's such a good story!
5/13/2015 c18 glitterglam11
what happened to your update by next week if you're on a roll? It's been 3 years and almost 3 summer will end by this month. where's the next chapter please update! pretty please get back onto us on this story I know you're busy and all but I'm just hoping that you'll have the slightest bump in your head to remind you tha haven't finished this story yet - lovelots
3/2/2015 c18 2TheUnknownFuture
OMG. I dunno when u updated but whatevs. I found this story by coincidence (no it wasn't *giggles hysterically *) and I am hooked! Please update soon . I love the way how your writing hooks people in, its really amazing! You're really talented! Next time please write a longer chapter. And I hope there's a happy ending in this one cuz I was so upset when Sakura had a miscarriage (you should know where this came from-you wrote it!)

If nothing else persuades you, yesterday (March 1st) was my bday and i didn't get any presents (I'm still a kid but neglected;P but no I really didn't get any presents).

Best of luck!
9/28/2014 c15 Yuiiub
Why you do this? Why did you have to end the chapter like that.
9/28/2014 c12 Yuiiub
Fuckin Damnit! The feels.
9/28/2014 c10 Yuiiub
GODDAMNIT FUCK EVERYTHING! Arghhhhh why? The feels hurt so much.
9/28/2014 c7 Yuiiub
Fuck, you totally got me there.
5/31/2014 c18 Guest
It's been a while since this chapter was published. Hope you haven't abandoned this story, please update soon!
5/31/2014 c17 Guest
I can't believe they died ;A;
1/20/2014 c18 Guest
Please please please Finnish this! It's is amazing and I LOVE IT! Please please please please please
12/22/2013 c18 NoNameMary
I thought this vad finished gaaaaaah! FUCK!
It's really really really really really good story looooving it! I got kinda bad when you killed of Eriol and Tomoyo though, and it's so f****** nerv-wrecking that Syaoran never tells sakura how he really feels about her, I mean DO ALREADY. You can really see how... Psycho sakura and syaoran really are, it's like an evil circle, I'm just so naïve sometimes, wanting everyone to be happy hahah!
It's been a while since you updated, but please don't leave this discontinued! It's to good for that.
Update soon you totally-awesome-motherfucker-whom-I-love-for-making-this-fic!
10/3/2013 c18 Kanzen
Omg, glued since ch1 to 18. Hurry and write more please
8/13/2013 c16 neh
m reading dis one for about tenth time dat i seem to remember, pls update soon..m waiting..!
8/7/2013 c18 bolamut
please come back :"(
i need to see a happy ending here /sobs
interesting story, i like to read vampire fic haha XD
7/10/2013 c4 chiyokira
It's beautiful...
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