Just In
for Leverage

11/7/2010 c1 ninadizz
words cannot describe it.. but then this would be a pointless review so i must say it is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT
5/4/2010 c1 8Gimpyslair
I love reading Riza-working-under-Bradley fanfics angst! Good job!
11/8/2007 c1 54Neopuff
I'm checking out the rest of your stories :3

This was AWESOME. The writing, storyline...they weren't OOC at ALL!

7/25/2007 c1 MyChemicalRomantic
Ooh, I liked it! I normally read longer stories but your talent as a writer made up for it. The analogies you used were excellent and the wording ecspecailly. I think I liked how you described Roy's feelings toward Riza as well as you did. Keep writing!
7/22/2007 c1 Anonymous
Aw, that story was so sweet!

Of course, you're going to continue, rite?
7/15/2007 c1 the writer of midnight
I loved it! Keep on writing more.
7/15/2007 c1 6OTP and MoonStarDutchess
simply beautiful well done
7/14/2007 c1 13momiji-k
Wow, I could feel the charged atmosphere. That was very good, I only felt sad that it had to stop. And it was getting to the best part too!

But really, I think the whole story was well written. Great job!
7/14/2007 c1 111jacksparrow589
I just thought of something- while it's stupid for them to be kissing because it exposes their feelings, it's not necessarily something that Bradley can take issue with. After all, Mustang is definitely involved in his EVIL plot, and as long as Mustang does what he says, Hawkeye is fine. He never said they couldn't show affection or anything like that, and they're not exactly plotting treason at the moment.

Of course, that could just be me. :)

Anyway, I liked this one A LOT! It's plausible, to say the least, and even if it's not, it should be. Great job!
7/14/2007 c1 kasumiryumizu
Hey, I've read leverage and I liked it. I hope you write more stories with RoyxRiza in it. I've noticed that you usually write EdxWin. It's not like I'm against the pair but I prefer RxR more.

(Just don't write a deathfic ok?)

Hungry for more,

7/13/2007 c1 5BloodAura
Wow I really liked that story~! ^-^ Nicely written.
7/13/2007 c1 1Kalidescope
that was so beautifully cute
7/13/2007 c1 99MoonStarDutchess
Wonderful job. I love it.
7/13/2007 c1 Fiona Coyne-Torres
this was really good! bravo!
7/13/2007 c1 20YourFavouitePlushie
Great story, I loved the last line...

[neither the brilliant and cunning flame alchemist nor his loyal and brave sharpshooter subordinate gave a damn.] Best part!
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