Just In
for Black Flames Dance In The Wind: Rise of Naruto

12/4/2024 c8 Nyctophilicme
I was hoping haku & zabuza would either be dead or allied partners. But looking the timeline this was written in, there's gonna be tons of haku & zabuza sympathizers.
And i got out of that harem Naruto fic to fall into this one. But I can't help it when storyline is good. But I just know what's coming. *sigh*

no hate to the fic or author
12/4/2024 c7 Nyctophilicme
Oh this is good, some nin from that bridge? This chp is fun. But I find Kakashi's character a bit weird, he like never screams, never gets hyper, is always calm-collected. Some scenes from last few chps keep catching me off-guard. It's odd getting use to it.
12/4/2024 c6 Nyctophilicme
That was so amusing.
12/3/2024 c2 Nyctophilicme
I am so glare you give a warning about Naruto Haram because the last fic gave no notice about it and I was so frustrated with all the girls popping around Naruto.
Now ik what to expect so I can restrian myself.
9/11/2024 c10 snagol
Q: how should naruto be with
and I quote
"Sakura - I'd sooner send Naruto to Hell."

thank for this is the right response

someone who bashes him across the head for merely being noticed by her is a coarse for him to by with
8/17/2024 c1 Master777vip0000
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com.

7/3/2024 c55 1bibink729
good chapter
12/31/2023 c1 Master777vip0000
Gina Gail Barron-Goodman

126 Ambrosia Lane
Heath, Texas 75032

ginagbg at sbcglobal dot net

1/1/2024 c55 DracoKing30
really love this story can't wait for new chapters
9/29/2023 c1 CHILD PORN
Hello fellow pedos.

I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you.
I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral etc.

And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little girls naked and having sex for free.

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

9/16/2023 c3 ddh38361
no way this nigga just went to the shadow realm
9/9/2023 c25 reaperking2003
What a fucking shit story.

Pulling random Deus ex machina bullshit out of your ass, pick a fucking lane. Edgy, horny, comedic or action don't fucking hopscotch
8/20/2023 c26 Daynieg
Yep, still hate her.
8/20/2023 c24 Daynieg
Fantastic! Much laughs had.
7/21/2023 c55 Hitman.0470
Hey Jason, I just wanted to pop in and say that I've been reading this since HIGH SCHOOL man. O.O
Seriously, I started reading your Tamers story (RIP) then got hooked on Black Flames and TO THIS DAY I will go back and re-read it to catch up.
Never give up, never surrender.
Ignore the haters and stick with the dream.
God willing this will be an unofficial manga someday.
Thanks again for the dedication man, looking forward to the next chapter!
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