Just In
for Of Zombies, Liz, Parliament and Coldplay

2/13/2009 c1 14bezerkoid
It was really good! Dialogue was similar to how it was in the film, remaining loyal to it, and the cure makes me sound excited! The only problem is you appear to have let this project fade and die! Don't, this would be brilliant when finished!
8/23/2007 c1 Johnny B is Superbad
yea, i have to agree, Darling Ed?that's just not rite! anyway, great chapter, cant wait for the next!
7/22/2007 c1 8xXAliceOliveraXx
"We can have our darling Ed"?

Okay i never thought of Ed as darling I don't think Liz did either...but Its good so far please write more!

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