Just In
for Small Surprises, Big Consequences

3/9/2008 c11 7EpIcKiGo
well tht was a great chapter and i cnt wait 4 another update
3/9/2008 c11 16Etherelemental
Mrs. Drago certainly gave Kim a wide opening there. With saying how bad decisions run in the family. So if she denies Kim's request, Kim can just turn the tables on her by asking if she isn't just now making another bad decision. As you never really can tell until it's too late. And Kim certainly wouldn't say it in a negative way, which would likely help her out then. Though, I'm guessing that the shade that talked to BZ is the person that Shego killed or thought she killed, since I'm right now not sure with that happening. Though, I'm sure that neither the shade or BZ are expecting Kim to show up, since neither of them know Kim and she turns changes everything when it comes to what they're planning. ^_^ Anyway, I hope to see more soon!
3/8/2008 c11 5JonathanDP81
This is really going great so far and I look forward to more.
3/8/2008 c11 14Ley93
this was a funny and cool chpt pms plez!
3/8/2008 c11 90eoraptor
An excellent installemnt, and I'm glad, despite the deliciousness of the previous chapters, to finally be seeing some Kim-style action rearing its head for a change. A shame I'm going to have to wait for more installments.
3/8/2008 c11 2The-Jaron
nice chapter

i cant wait for the rehaul to be over, cause i will look forward to the new chapters most of all

And may I ask if you will be adding anything new to the old chapters?

Or will you just re order the chapters?

Jaron out
2/29/2008 c10 Nutpyro
Absolutly love this fic. sorry I have no ides for ya. Love it!
2/22/2008 c10 Demosthenes-101

Just wanted you to know I have read all 10 chapters and was captivated by each one. I hope that we see the conclusion soon. I am waiting is REAL anticipation for the finale of this great fic!

2/21/2008 c10 Mars Project
Man this is an awesome story, i'm just loving how much this delves into Shego's past! And that Bogeyman guy is, well was, almost the perfect villain, he seemed more like a cross between Scarecrow and The Joker. And like in many other stories, it seems Shego's mother is like an evil bitch from hell, but beneath that exceptionally gruff exterior she actually loves Shego and her granddaughter, although its more like 'tough' love but still love nonetheless. I was freaking out a little to see that Jim seems to be developing a crush for Agni, I wonder what Shego would think... Another thing i've noticed, is that Kim is apparently filling in for Shego in the motherly duties a bit, well not motherly, more like a sisterly relationship. I am so eagerly looking forward to Kim meeting Shego's parents, from what her daughter and granddaughter think, its looking more and more like there is gonna be one helluva shouting match between Kim and Roza Drago. One other thing, it seems you have gone to great lengths to hide the identity of Agni's father, I am getting more and more curious by the minute about it.

I LOVE this story, this is definately going up next to NoDrogs and a few choice others. I seriously hope this story gets updated, I really want to know what happens, and waiting for it is almost unbearable!
2/19/2008 c10 Mawils18
This is a really good story. It is well written also. I can't wait to see where you go from here. Update soon. :)
2/19/2008 c10 16Etherelemental
I was actually kinda expecting Kim to meet Shego's mother in this chapter. Though, I did like the back story of exactly what transpired when Shego left. But, I'm also wondering how much Kim's underestimating Shego's mother and if Shego's actually overestimating her. Although, I was toying with the thought that it would be like Kim approaching a giant. (A giant more in stature. ^_^) But, I'm sure in the end that Agni will go with Kim, since I'm sure at the very least that Kim will make a bet with Roza. That Kim can keep Agni under control better than Roza can. And just knowing what Agni would have to look forward to with Roza would certainly keep her behaved I'm sure. ^_^ Although, I'm kinda wondering if Shego will actually consider visiting Agni when she's with Kim. Since it's obvious that no one in Kim's family would refuse Shego seeing her daughter. And I'm sure Agni would like it as well. Anyway, I hope to see more soon! ^_^
2/17/2008 c10 Piggy Dippin
I got in late in the game but I love the story. Agni is so cute! I can't wait to see Roza's reaction! Great job!
2/17/2008 c10 2The-Jaron
wow wat a cool story

Really big and descriptive AU

Though I think ron came off a bit short handed didnt he?

Also the budding romance of jim and agni is kinda cute

Jaron out
2/16/2008 c10 5riverkirby
oh this story is incredible!... i can't wait to see more of the strange feelings between Agni and Jim. and i can't wait to see if Shego will feel jealous if Agni and Kim begin to bond.
2/14/2008 c10 2BeneathContempt
Awsome story! I especially like Jim's crush on Agni.
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