Just In
for True Love 3

10/7/2013 c1 Nanai
8/5/2010 c1 11Christopher12284
Very good series, please continue soon!
4/14/2009 c1 6Vospader21
The lemons where good, admittedly not the best lemons I've seen, but good none the less. Also I noticed your working on your LOP (lack of plot, it's an internet slang that I just made up, with any luck it'll catch on)problem. The plot here was truly a good improvement in comparison with your other works. But still there is a bit of LOP here. But overall good job. I give it a 4* out of 5*.
5/13/2008 c1 2Sacred Beast117
I loved this story it was so good...please can u make a sequel or like i said before make a chapter story that will make it all epic please u did such a great job and now like i said before

2/23/2008 c1 140spazzgirl
i love the "True Love," searies

such a beautiful story
2/8/2008 c1 23blackdeathmessenger
this one definitely outdid your first two parts to this.
1/20/2008 c1 3Yondaime-Sensei
Interesting twist. Once again, like the smut-tastic scenes.

Another tip: It's good if you bold techniques so that people now them. Also, it's Rasengan, not Rasangan.

Anyways, still liked it. Keep it up when you can.
9/28/2007 c1 77Winter-Rae
Wonderful third part!

I loved it!

Damn that Sasuke! I hate him with a firey passion of a thousand suns! I seriously want him to die!

Anyway nice work, steamy fluffy and slightly action packed! Lovely!

Keep up the awesome work!

Winter-Rae xoxo
9/21/2007 c1 friedchipstastesgreat
nice story plz conitune with more
8/24/2007 c1 teneyck anthony
I liked the True Love 3 sory.Would you punt 2 more True Love sory.
8/18/2007 c1 Samurai.J
This is nice, really all three of them were. I can only hope the next one settles the score with Sasuke. the begining first one was direct, cut to the point, the second was a nice relaxer and the third provided a nice bit of drama. If this is what you can do then I can't wait to read you'r next work, keep up the good work!
7/28/2007 c1 13narusakufan1985
That was great. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for more. Naruto and Sakura forever.
7/28/2007 c1 3Yoshi Toranaga
That is some ripe lemon right there! Nice!

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