Just In
for Back Again, Harry?

6/22/2022 c18 4Leapyearbaby29
I hope it wasn’t him.
6/22/2022 c16 Leapyearbaby29
Pettigrew needs to go to Azkaban and Sirius needs to be free! I keep forgetting they’re only eleven here!
6/22/2022 c15 Leapyearbaby29
Sirius better live!
6/22/2022 c13 Leapyearbaby29
Uh oh. I’m glad George and Fred know who made the map. I wish it was said in the movie. Like it wasn’t once said. Ugh.
6/22/2022 c12 Leapyearbaby29
Oh shit. I hope Remus tells them he created the map with James and Sirius.
6/22/2022 c11 Leapyearbaby29
Damn. Remus knows somethings up. Lol.
6/22/2022 c10 Leapyearbaby29
Damn. I wish Harry was still a Parselmouth.
6/22/2022 c3 Leapyearbaby29
How is Harry not a Horcrux anymore? And that means he can’t open the Chamber since he isn’t a parselmouth.
6/22/2022 c2 Leapyearbaby29
I love this already.
3/10/2022 c20 CamiR22
Ojalá actualices!
1/24/2022 c20 The God of Animals
I started reading this story about two weeks ago and I just caught up to the most recent chapter. I am sad to see that there hasn’t been an update in a while but I do hope that you do eventually update it. Not only is your story very well written but the dynamics of the characters and the growth of them all is extremely entertaining. Best Wishes,

1/9/2022 c19 Grrarrggh
"It wasn't ignorance that had kept his childhood so isolated; the wards really were that important."

Bull crap. Harry left that house nearly every day, carrying not an iota of pertection with him. It was the Death Eater's contempt for muggle information, laziness and fear (and most of all plot armour) that kept Harry safe in Surrey.
1/9/2022 c18 Grrarrggh
Genius of Dumbledore's spy? Please, I know you're smart enough to realise Rowling's lack of imagination and espionage knowledge seriously hurt the character of Snape. No good spy would act as he did. It defeats the purpose.

Also makes me wonder what Dumbledore and the rest of the adults in the magical world would have done if Harry and the other children had refused to do their job for them?
And Harry thinking Hermione acts based on emotion is more than a bit pot meet kettle.
1/3/2022 c14 Grrarrggh
Since when has Snape been "paranoid about werewolves"? And the prophecy didn't "basically says I've got to die before anyone can kill Voldemort" it basically said they each had to kill the other. If only Harry had to die for Voldemort to be killed Dumbledore would have sacrificed him ages ago.
1/2/2022 c6 Grrarrggh
Jeezy you've pegged Harry as a magical moron before this time jump lol
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