9/10/2020 c1 Fictionalfoc
Just lemme sign in so I can favorite this...
Just lemme sign in so I can favorite this...
11/30/2017 c1 36Raphaelfanguy4real
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i was worried for my fave turtle there for a second! XD this was very well done! thank you for making my day!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i was worried for my fave turtle there for a second! XD this was very well done! thank you for making my day!
4/2/2016 c1 13TheRedScreech
A macho thing! Sweet la! This was adorable! Intense at the beginning but then it all smoothed out. Well done! :)
A macho thing! Sweet la! This was adorable! Intense at the beginning but then it all smoothed out. Well done! :)
8/11/2015 c1 window girl
This was so wonderful.
This was so wonderful.
7/20/2015 c1 Nobodyshouldknow
Loved it. So funny and sweet and so Raph and Casey. Always makes me smile and laugh
Loved it. So funny and sweet and so Raph and Casey. Always makes me smile and laugh
11/25/2014 c1 44Storm Arashi
How I've never reviewed or favorited this in my time in the TMNT fandom is daunting. I fucking LOVE this story.
How I've never reviewed or favorited this in my time in the TMNT fandom is daunting. I fucking LOVE this story.
7/11/2012 c1 638annie81
Thank you for not really killing Raph I got a little worried there for a minute. The ending was super cute ;D. It must be a macho thing.
Thank you for not really killing Raph I got a little worried there for a minute. The ending was super cute ;D. It must be a macho thing.
4/21/2012 c1 somebodytoolazytologin
Cool, the end always make me laugh
Cool, the end always make me laugh
10/21/2010 c1 1Jenihenpen
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG this is brilliant I can totally see this happening, love it! ^_^
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG this is brilliant I can totally see this happening, love it! ^_^