Just In
for The Man I Used To Be

4/19/2018 c9 10Eli Clark
Are child murderers let out for good behavior? If so, humanity needs to rethink their law system. Good behavior my ass.
1/13/2015 c1 otakuno1
Hello Mirika,
I'm big fan of KuroFai in Vietnam and i very very love your fiction, so i want to change it into Vietnamese in order to share with my friend
Can you give me the permission to translate all your fiction about KuroFai or this fiction into Vietnamese ?
Of course, we'd put your penname above the topic
Thank you so very much for giving us the opportunity to read those marvelous fiction.
If you agree please sent the permission into email:
I hope you will answer soon
2/3/2013 c10 9Yami no Sekirei
Arghh.. Too much agony! Of what had happened to them.. I wanted to see a happy life.. I feel sorry for fai an i feel a bit scared of kurogane (his ability to foresee).. Please, let them had a happy life with their children.. And i feel slightly confused with this story, mostly timings.. Please update it soon as i am eager to know more.. Good luck and thanks..
9/28/2010 c10 17TotalAlias
I had drifted away from KuroFai for quite a while, immersed in another lovely pairing (and during that time I made an FF account!). But when I drifted back I looked up your fic to see if you had updated...but you didn't! All this time!


So I'm reviewing to let you know that I LOVE this fic and I really want to see it finished (:
9/4/2010 c10 Lazy Kitty Hyuu
the end of the chapter confused me just a bit. lol ^^; but other thatn that i really fell in love with this fic! OMG i kinda want Ashura to beat on Fai... iust a little bit heh O:)...and then Kuro-wan-wan can come and save the day like a supper awesome hero! xD ...and yu know...beat the crap out of Ashura! *sparkly eyes imagining an awesome fight scene* ahhahahahah ^^; Well anyways i found this fic today and i just couldn't stop reading it. My mom had to call me for dinner four times before she threatened to take away my computer privileges and i thought "OMG NOOOO! I have to finish reading this!" lmao well i think you get my point. I really like this Fic and i don't find really interestiong ones like this too often. Well i hope yu update soon! Don;t leave me hanging off this cliff for too long kay? i'll review in the next chap too. i'm looking forward to it and i know yu won't dissapoint:3 Ja ne! ;)
9/3/2010 c10 kurofai
wow.r u going to continue this this was really good! ive read pretty much every one of your stories.
7/7/2010 c10 2AsraStar
This story is awsome. I want to know what happens next. so; updat so, please.
6/3/2010 c10 Cased In Darkness
please update soon
6/29/2009 c10 hi
oh intersting I love this story please update ^^
1/20/2009 c10 8Risa manei
Wow, dear. This was brilliant.

I just read it today, all 10 chapters, first Mpeg I've read xDD

But still lovely, I adore it.

To me is wasn't confusing, I liked the forgivness at the end. It was rather cute. Keep up the good work, and don't even think about trying not to confuse people, i mean we do need to use our brains once in a while, right?

Keep up the lovely work! I so can't wait to read more!

1/19/2009 c10 Loveless Kitty
it wasn't too bad, i liked it... even though i had no idea Kuro-rin had a fake hand and legs... *shivers*

...and then Ashura too

but it was kinda confusing... just a little.

but i still totally loved it!

it just added more suspense to the plot XD

nya~ =^-^=
1/19/2009 c10 TomoyoNyx
Aww... why are you bashing yourself so much? I really love your fic; it's one of the actually unique KuroFai ones out there! And then you keep surprising me more and more, I love it! I definitely like the superpowers. Ohohohoho. Kuro-tan so wickedly awesome. I'm glad you updated again. Please do so soon; I need to read more! :]
1/18/2009 c10 25Hikary Sanoko
This was a good chapter. ^.^ update soon!
1/18/2009 c10 5Fai'swingedchronicles
It was good but i didn't understand that whole forgiving part at the end
1/3/2009 c9 Loveless Kitty

how could u leave me with such a cliffy!

hurry hurry update soon!

this is so good and its so exciting i can't wait for ur next chappy! is it gunna be scary?

nya~ =^-^=
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