Just In
for Family Matters

9/18/2019 c1 krzychu polak
huj wam w dupe
4/10/2011 c9 4L.E.N.E.X
OMG! Soo heart breaking! This... this was so painful and full of so much angst! I...I love it! *sobs* Damn! Whyyyyy~~~!

This was great! I love this chapter! I feel so so horribly bad for Kuro and Fai I want to hug them and make them feel better! I also love that you kept this in character sooooo well! Damn! Skills! 333
9/2/2010 c1 kurofai
awwwwwwwwwww! tats sooooo cute!
6/28/2010 c9 5Wolf Dragon Demon
Really good fic, it took me two days to read this chapter and the entire story. Kuro-chan was already dead awww, now that I think about it it remeinded me of an episode of Inu-Yasha where a little girl burned alive and her spirit was still wandering the world, poor Kuro-chan. I hope you continue it soon, or as soon as life permits.
4/6/2010 c9 Mimi
Congrats you successfully made me cry. -Sniffle-
3/18/2010 c9 1Evig Sang
oh my, that was incredibly beautiful. i nearly started crying about five times... but i absolutely loved this chapter.
12/10/2009 c5 Jeantron
*dies from laughter* That was too funny! XD Hot Chocolate, that was gold!
6/19/2009 c5 ArcticBee
Poor Syaoran.. xD

Fai's so upfront with his questioning. He doesn't have any shame when it comes to sex :o

I love how you amplify the 'family aspect' I've seen it used before but not really at this level :3
5/10/2009 c9 TomoyoNyx
Aw, I'm so happy you updated again! This was such a treat, and wonderfully long too! It was so sad, but at the same time, happy. I just loved the entire concept! So sweet~~ Thanks for the amazing chappie! I'll definitely be looking forward to more.
4/10/2009 c1 2DRUNK-OFF-LIFE
this was very cute. i would love to see you write more like this, like mother to daughter, father to son, mother to son, those would be really cute and i think you can write them really well. this was a ery good story and i will be cheacking my story alert list to see you update.
4/1/2009 c8 4pmpatg

1/20/2009 c4 Loveless Kitty
=O.O= did Fai just do what i think he did... slap a very homicidal person... slap Kurogane!

1/20/2009 c3 Loveless Kitty
stupid Ashura-o... he should die, even though he is actually not a villian in the manga or here... i think, but still he should be one, even if i kinda like his hair. but how could Kurogane hit Fai? i could kill him if i didn't adore him so much... i could deal him a good slap though X3

and then i'd hug Fai... but i guess its ok since Kuro-rin hugged him and bashed Ashura-o XD
8/25/2008 c8 TomoyoNyx
Whoo! This is awesome! Thanks! You totally made it work! It's really not OOC at all. You did well keeping them in character. I can't wait for the next update! Your stories are definetly awesome. :3 I've got some little plot bunnies if you want them.
8/15/2008 c8 50Nillen
Fai as the vampire too -_-' I can see hows the scenes related to each other ^^ Great work!
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