Just In
for What have you become

4/19/2012 c4 Reviewer
Nice story!

I love it~~

Please do continue^^

I love the sweet fai and loving kuro XD
2/19/2009 c4 2DeltaMango
This is the best story i have ever read. YAY
1/18/2009 c4 2MageMeow
though it's short, it's really a hand full...

thanks so much for writing!

i really loved it..

though i do not approve yuko being that bad, it's ok..

thanks again! great job..=)
12/9/2007 c4 6saki.ikumi
Wai! Great story! I am going to read the sequel now, thanks for writing! ^-^
8/17/2007 c4 39Tsubasa-fan
Yay! Kuro/Fai kiss! Awesome chapter, loved it. ^^

Though who was the guy that tried to kill Kuro? Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter!
8/17/2007 c4 20Terrific Tina
Wait, I thought his mom wanted to kill him...

Finally! They kissed!
8/17/2007 c4 nolongeractivechan
WHEET WHOO! Amazing! Lol, and Im happy you used the idea of Sakura and the bat,lol. But I'm definatley up for a sequel. ♥
8/17/2007 c4 2Akino-Kinoha
*blush* Yay! They're kissing!

O o XD when the mad Yuuko was running around there I thought, now someone get Yuuko, she has to help! (oh my)

Hehn~ and I actually thought that you had this baseball-bat thing from highschool-hell ^^

Please continue soon!
8/16/2007 c3 nolongeractivechan
...Holy crap! She's there! PLZ PLZ PLZ! UPDATE SOON! Im dying to know what happens! XD
8/16/2007 c3 Akino-Kinoha
wah! Poor Kuro-chan ;_;

And I so want to see the pics Kuro is drawing!

Please continue soon!
8/14/2007 c2 nolongeractivechan
AWESOME! This is my all time favourite story! It's so good and keeyoot! The stroryline is perfect and now they love togfether! Bwahahaha! Perfect time for things... ahem, to happen! Please update soon! XD

8/14/2007 c2 Akino-Kinoha
X3 how cute! Though it's weird to imagine Yuuko going mad O o

XD I think Shashi (Ashura's mother in RG Veda) would fit better here ^^;

Poor Tomoyo-chan..;_;

Anyway, please continue soon!
8/13/2007 c1 nolongeractivechan
IM HOOKED! CANT WAIT FOR CHAP 2 ! Its so sad what they did to Kuro! I wanted to cry! Wahh! But now him and Fai are friends,lol, so that makes up for it. Please update soon! With lots of love as always!

8/13/2007 c1 Akino-Kinoha
X3 love it! Though the Haganemaru is Kuro-chan, isn't he? *confused*

Aw, a cool house he has there!

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