Just In
for From the Celebrated Loins

3/16/2010 c3 evin
Heavey stuff. coulld you make scorp a little less... cocky? makes him to egotistic
4/12/2008 c3 OrangeR0se
Enjoying the story, but in the title did you mean Lions?
3/14/2008 c3 1RainaPerun
Nice! I'm really interested in Scorpius' character. Will the Weasleys and the Potters accept Rose and Albus' placement? Biting my nails here, lol.
11/25/2007 c3 2DramaQueen1193
Harry better be fine about it! He said he would!

Please write more! =]]
10/15/2007 c3 redfox1186
noo! cliffhanger! hope to read more soon!
9/5/2007 c3 1Savage-Stiletto
o_0...Oh interesting...

looking forward to reading more!
9/5/2007 c3 3stage.puppet
great story :)

but at 11, do you think Rose wouldve had tow past boyfriends already, shy as you say she is?

also, They're cousins! why don't they know each other?
8/26/2007 c3 hciR
nice inversion, but u better continue it properly! and im sure u will, minor spelling mistake "we'll find up(out) soon enough".

u trying to make scorpius/albus/rose the "trinity"?

going to include any new guy? like mayb nevilles son or sth.

Bear in mind that the idea of Slyterin as bad guys is firmly entrenched n we the audience will accept nothing less! =D

nice story writing, cya.
8/26/2007 c3 DiamondOasis
Nice chapter i hope you update soon.
8/17/2007 c1 6Silverdancer
well, it seems slightly stilted, in the sense that it's not entirely natural, but i like it (:
8/16/2007 c2 The Kunai
Heh, sounds rather cute. Scorpius seems OOC, not because I am adverse to his cheerfulness (I actually REALLY prefer a happy Scorpy) but because he admired Harry Potter because he slayed the death would think he'd be a little sensitive about that since his father and grandparents were death eaters. xD

But that's just me being nitpicky. Keep writing!
8/16/2007 c2 hciR
quite nice. but i think the overtones of replication of e original story is too overt. ie. seems slightly too much like u r just subbing first-gen names for second-gen.

but. nice building-up of suspense & characterisation. i look forward to thier adventures in hogwarts.

rmb to go mug ur hogwarts facts properly hor!
8/16/2007 c1 Hespiria
Scorpious seems so..

Happy? I thought Draco's snobishness might rub off in some way or another. Its an interesting chapter though, looking forward to more!
8/15/2007 c1 DiamondOasis
Cute chapter
8/15/2007 c2 Getsuei no Watarimono
Wow, this is really good. Scorpius does feel a bit out of character of what he should be but I like your version all the same. I also like were the story is heeading. So, keep the story going I really want to read more. Update soon!
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