Just In
for swan princess

4/4/2011 c1 15Breeluv
that was so sweet fakir i love u!
10/31/2010 c1 Guest
PLEASE UPLOAD! *ahem* This is a really great story and you should continue it. It makes me wonder what's going to happen next. ^^
4/27/2010 c1 ParnWellWishes
mou... i hope this has a continuing chapter...
4/7/2009 c1 15The 2786 Project
OMG! OMG! If you're going to make it multichapter- PLEASE DO IT! If you're goign to right a sequel- PLEASE DO IT! PLEASE MAKE THIS MULTICHAPTER OR DO A SEQUEL!
5/4/2008 c1 2Shades of Lilac
It's really cute XD

I DO love FakirxAhiru they're soo cute together

Update please :D
9/16/2007 c1 embren
Its such a lovely sory that your writing, I cant wait to see what you will write next. Fakir is so caring for duck in this story it made me get that warm fuzzy feeling the whole day! ^-^ I wish to see the continuation of this story.


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