Just In
for Tangled in Death

10/6/2007 c5 Wordlurker
This is a very good Naruto/Bleach crossover. Perhaps as good as Clouded Orange. Will Naruto's Zanpakuto only have that hallucination-cloud power? If his Zanpakuto's avatar/manifestion is a Raiju, shouldn't it have some kind of power related to lightning? Raiju's are thunder-beasts after all... Besides, when it comes to fighting the Arrancar, I really think he's going to need some kind of offensive Zanpakuto powers too. Perhaps his Bankai can utilize the thunder/lightning aspect of Amagumo? Or will Naruto become a Vaizard (the ex-Shinigami guys that had Hollow powers)?
10/6/2007 c9 4Jetflash
You know, possibly the only thing I don't like about Bleach is it's failure to capitalize on the huge potential tied up in the Shinigami and their Zanpaku-to. Any Bleach Fanfiction that looks at the non-main character Shinigami is, therefore, wonderful. That said, I usually read Naruto Fanfiction, and I think you've done a really good job in that aspect too.

Good job with Nanao, too.
10/6/2007 c2 Jetflash
I don't know... I really think Renji's Shikai only sucks next to Byakuya's, because Byakuya's is so overpowered. Really, having a whip-sword would be really useful. He could cut down hollows that are too dangerous to get close to better than Kira could, and I get the feeling that a particularly large hollow might not feel more than pinpricks from Byakuya's Shikai (not his bankai, but his shikai).
10/5/2007 c9 Betelgeuse084
10/3/2007 c9 5Odin's Scribe
Naruto's bankai is probably the most awesome thing I have ever seen/read in all things Bleach related. Great work. And the end with Naruto and Nanao was as unexpected as it was well written. I can't wait to read more. Update soon!
10/2/2007 c9 brolly501
10/1/2007 c9 1the hobo55
did you take the idea for most of narutos bankai from raiga?
9/29/2007 c8 The Lacokage
Excellent Sory, really, there arent many naruto bleach crossovers nowadays...PLEASE make yoruichi have some kind of action with naruto! I beg you! update soon!
9/29/2007 c9 2Elemeffayoh
well eh short chapter
9/28/2007 c9 Kammari
good chapter/story.
9/28/2007 c9 Ero-kun
Yay! Hn, looks like nanao and Naruto are growing much stronger ^^ Great chapter. I really liked it :)
9/27/2007 c9 DeadlyVenom 5
Aahh...I think you meant homIcidal there big guy...cause well "HOMOCIDAL" just sounds like you wana kill all the yaoi love out there...tsk tsk ^_^
9/27/2007 c9 spedclass
Awesome chapter keep up the good work and update soon!
9/27/2007 c9 TheDon1023
even if they both got bankais and they still need lots of work cause gin didnt even use bankai he just used his shikai but then again they have only had they bankai for like a day so im pretty sure they will get much stronger, why? cause its Naruto we're talkin about and just by association anyone close to him would have to be strong too. it is also indicative that Aizen saw fit to keep Naruto out of the main fight so its a good possibility that he seems him as a serious threat(which he should). anyways please update soon

-The Don

P.S. will Naruto make captain or will they just stay as they are? i mean cause now there are 3 captain spots open but oh well just as long as Naruto and Nanao get hella strong its all good lol
9/27/2007 c9 1bashking
thanks for the update i was really looking forward to it
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