Just In
for Tangled in Death

7/1/2014 c9 96Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet
Aw, normally I don't go for these types of crossovers (mainly because they're not usually done well), but this had me laughing my head off. Very VERY sad you haven't updated this in what...7 years. Dang. *sigh* Hope life is going well with you.
3/11/2014 c9 2SerasCain
Wow. Absolutely amazing buildup throughout this story. I love the story and the backstory you've created for this. The pacing is phenomenal. It makes me sad that you appear to have stopped writing for all your stories. I do hope you return one day because I have always enjoyed the stories you wrote. Your crack stories have me rolling and then I read this one and I find myself completely invested in the world you have made your own. Nanao was always cute but you gave her a great character and I love how you've placed Naruto into this universe so seamlessly.
12/15/2013 c9 8red neo ranger
Loved it keep it up
12/14/2013 c9 1willowskeith
good story so far
5/30/2013 c9 21Orphans
Such a good fanfic to abandon its a shame.
5/30/2013 c3 21Orphans
Not like it matters now but I was thinking for the shikai have its release be illusion clones like 5 o them or something that he can transfer between at high speeds think of the clones like hakus ice mirrors only they can move use misdirection and their are less of them.
11/24/2012 c5 me
Hey, Amagumo has that moving yellow ball...that glows...and flashes...Holy Cow, IT'S THE YELLOW FLASH!
7/13/2012 c6 Rake1810
Your absolutely right and i hope you explore what would happen if he did eat the bowl of ramen.
4/29/2012 c9 Dragonreading
awesome fic, to bad this story seems to be discontinued. :(
3/24/2012 c9 2Kythorian
good story. too bad it is abandoned. Hope you come back to it some day.
12/4/2010 c9 3Kurama's Foxy Rose
Why do you keep calling Ichigo a blonde? His orange hair is his most well-known feature, not to mention it's use in countles jokes.
11/30/2010 c9 5Twylyte
I guess you've abandoned this story huh? That's a serious shame, since this may just be the best Naruto/Bleach crossover I've ever read. A large part of that is that you haven't just retrod the story with Naruto travelling with Ichigo and co, like so many do instead of making their own stuff like you have.

I love the Naruto/Nanao interactions and that their abilities work so well together. In fact, I love their abilities as well. Naruto's seems to suit him so well, and Nanao's is just perfect for what we know of her. I'm impressed you haven't made them super-duper-over-the-top powerful like most authors do, instead having a good natural progression of strength.

Really excellent story, I hope you pick it up again!

7/22/2010 c5 4Narutomaniac
An incredibly fun read, truly a shame you haven't updated it. Anyways I have one question...Naruto's Shikai while cool...seems heavily flawed...I mean the opponent can just jump outta it and throw Kido at him. So unless the area it covers is fixed to around Naruto it seems someone fighting from a distance would render it completely useless.

Anyways fun stuff I love all your stories hehe so damn funny, as well as well written.
5/19/2010 c9 9CaptureGod-Otamegane
Still the absolute best sword abilities for Naruto I've ever read. Awesome can't wait for more.
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