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for The Apprentice and the Necromancer

1/20/2024 c27 verdurous
Draco changing Teddy's nappies. Ha! What a funny scene. I'm suprised Ginny do not know. With Harry being Teddy's godfather, shouldn't he visit or babysit him frequently, thus knowing Draco is there?
9/18/2023 c45 1DJArla
Really enjoying this so far. I actually love the shorter chapters, it helps keep the atory moving quickly. Really enjoy reading a gently caring Snape and your reasons behind each characters actions. Excited to continue reading this
7/18/2023 c20 Guest
Just for the record: homeopathy is not about using herbs, it's about having no real medicine at all, just the "memory" of some strange substance - the crazier the better. Basically, it's just very, very overprised sugar.
Herbal medicine, on the other end, is about using substanses contained within herbs without isolating them, as pharmacology does, and is basically what Potions is about. Minus magic of course :)

Thanks for your story! 3
2/25/2023 c77 IsupportWriters
What's the most memorable line?
- the last two lines. Oh. My goody goodness!
2/25/2023 c49 IsupportWriters
What made you smile?
- The author's note about cats following regular patterns. I fully agree
2/25/2023 c45 IsupportWriters
What did you like?
- I love that she thought to give him a gift. And I also really enjoyed that his gift to her would be an explanation of why he did what he did - clever of him :)

What did you hate?
- It isn't that I hated this part, it was just very confusing to me. The last few sentences I don't really understand. I'm not very clear about what Hermione is assuming he will ask of her and this may be completely intentional. I don't understand what she thinks he's going to ask that made her get so upset.
1/12/2022 c96 lulu2613
Tonks is alive?
1/11/2022 c30 lulu2613
Nah muggles dancing is way better hands down!
1/11/2022 c22 lulu2613
They have similar wands?
1/11/2022 c121 3tillythepug
Wow, wow, wow. I am literally shaking over this story and how absolutely exceptional it is. I often wait to ‘favorite’ a story until it’s over. But even though I’m smack dab in the middle, I already know this is one of the best pieces of fanfic I’ve ever read. So so so well thought out, researched, original, believable. All the things. I’m on the edge of my seat trying to figure out the mystery! I adore even your notes attached to many chapters. I could go on gushing, but I guess I’ll stop for now. Thank you for this story!
12/23/2021 c1 1Just Kiga
author: each chapter will be exactly 1K words as a way to keep me from going overboard.

also author: here’s 251 chapters for you.
9/19/2021 c210 yue
I am reading this story here only from chapter 207, because my native language is russian and I started to read the translation, but it's frozen and contains only chapters 1-207. So I found your work in original version and immediately fell in love with it! It's perfect . And thank God that my English is good enough for reading this fanfiction masterpiece! Also, I really appreciate all the comments below every chapter, it is such a joy to get to know what was the inspiration for the story, or some additional information, or (my favourite) poems. The last is the most important for me 'cause... well it's like you are sharing something you care about a lot, so thank you very very much ️
8/29/2021 c118 Dramaticthespiangirl
I have never laughed harder in this story than this bit right here
8/17/2021 c251 mia9801
Wow, this was a wild ride and I loved every second of it.

PS: Woodstock and Winky are my favourite
7/18/2021 c251 feedthesquirrel
Really enjoyed this story!
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