Just In
for Medieval Love

8/24/2009 c6 9Forgotten Rozez
i'm in to the sonic and mario things, but i thought this was flipping awesome! you need to keep writing! i like it.
9/13/2008 c1 Raj8
good story but u made mario way to mean. Aloso make it a lot longer.
9/12/2008 c6 Raj8
its an okay story i am compelled to read more but u could make king mario nicer.
2/2/2008 c6 Krizo Art

is bowser jr. in medieval times the present bowser?
12/29/2007 c6 27NaraTemari011
i love this fic! try to update more frecuently plz!

12/28/2007 c6 PrincessPeachandDaisy
Oh snap! At least someone thinks that Peach's pretty. And hey, maybe it could affect the time and Peach could be princess again.

Update soon!
10/7/2007 c5 NaraTemari011
haha i love this story!
10/7/2007 c5 GirlsofNintendo
Finally! You updated! For a second there I thought you were going to abandon this fic! Anyway, I love this story. It's really nice to see the roles reversed! It has a lot of potential, so keep writing!
10/7/2007 c5 PrincessPeachandDaisy
Three words...PLEASE UP DATE MORE! I've been waiting for more chapter and I can't wait much longer. this review is not a flame. I'm just begging you to update more!

Love the story!
10/3/2007 c4 NaraTemari011
loved it and can'twait for more

update soon plaease!
9/1/2007 c4 PrincessPeachandDaisy
I like your story please update more.
8/23/2007 c3 1pickle99me
it was good except that in the first few lines u said-"she was in medieval times! she had no idea where she was"- u could do without the first part. i'm loking forward to any new chappies, so hurry up!


8/22/2007 c2 pickle99me
it's really good. bowser seems a bit 2 dumb though other than that it's good

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