2/19/2024 c16 5Advent of Shadows
It's great seeing you back on here working on the story. To this day, it remains my favorite Naruto fanfic of all time. I don't expect updates very often but look forward to them all the same.
It's great seeing you back on here working on the story. To this day, it remains my favorite Naruto fanfic of all time. I don't expect updates very often but look forward to them all the same.
11/26/2023 c16 3Thastaer
i am so glad to see you updating this story again i have read through it multiple times and each time it gets better. keep up the amazing work
i am so glad to see you updating this story again i have read through it multiple times and each time it gets better. keep up the amazing work
10/13/2023 c16 SPark681
Hmm, so the 3rd now is aware of the impending invasion and has prepared the best he can, let's hope its enough anyway keep up the great work!
Hmm, so the 3rd now is aware of the impending invasion and has prepared the best he can, let's hope its enough anyway keep up the great work!
9/1/2023 c16 Octavian743
thank you so much for updating. Great way to build up suspense and hype. Really hope jagaa fights orochimaru
thank you so much for updating. Great way to build up suspense and hype. Really hope jagaa fights orochimaru
9/1/2023 c16 DarkRavie
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
4/3/2023 c15 Astramilitarum01
Not sure where the story was planed to go but im not really a fan of how the characters, there emotions or the Dialoge is done. Close to nothing makes logic sense or would play out like that even in canon. So all are basically OC Charters that are pretty one dimensional.
The idea is also kinda half-assed with him leaving for a few years and than coming back after heavy abuse and stuff, it just makes little sense.
Not sure where the story was planed to go but im not really a fan of how the characters, there emotions or the Dialoge is done. Close to nothing makes logic sense or would play out like that even in canon. So all are basically OC Charters that are pretty one dimensional.
The idea is also kinda half-assed with him leaving for a few years and than coming back after heavy abuse and stuff, it just makes little sense.
3/16/2023 c15 9Inuyonas
Good God I haven't read this in forever but I remember loving it years ago.
And I love it now.
Thanks for existing bro. lol I know it sounds wierd but yes thanks
Good God I haven't read this in forever but I remember loving it years ago.
And I love it now.
Thanks for existing bro. lol I know it sounds wierd but yes thanks
2/1/2023 c15 Octavian743
Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you so much for coming back to this. I'm always laughing everytime I read this
Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you so much for coming back to this. I'm always laughing everytime I read this
12/14/2022 c1 SMB
Your explanation for Naruto leaving was because all of the villagers, including the ninjas, hate him. Understood. What I don't understand is why the f**k he would ever want to go back with that motivation. HE RAN AWAY TO STOP THEM FROM BEATING HIM ALL THE TIME! It makes ZERO sense that he would willingly subject himself to it ever again.
"I'm sure the beatings won't be so bad when I go back, after I've escaped from their unjust punishments!"
Are you f**king kidding me? I had hoped he would be running away and making a life for himself, not being a pussy so that he can return to the people that utterly hate him and let them f**k him up the ass.
He is finally away from that horrible place and he wants to go back. That's so moronic, it's disgusting.
I'm not going to bother reading any more.
Your explanation for Naruto leaving was because all of the villagers, including the ninjas, hate him. Understood. What I don't understand is why the f**k he would ever want to go back with that motivation. HE RAN AWAY TO STOP THEM FROM BEATING HIM ALL THE TIME! It makes ZERO sense that he would willingly subject himself to it ever again.
"I'm sure the beatings won't be so bad when I go back, after I've escaped from their unjust punishments!"
Are you f**king kidding me? I had hoped he would be running away and making a life for himself, not being a pussy so that he can return to the people that utterly hate him and let them f**k him up the ass.
He is finally away from that horrible place and he wants to go back. That's so moronic, it's disgusting.
I'm not going to bother reading any more.