Just In
for What is Love?

5/17/2009 c10 2DANI OTH



12/26/2008 c10 59davis-baker
aw great chapter!

i'm so glad their fight is over and i loved all the things nathan said to brooke. he is such a great brother to her.

i'm also so glad that nathan has agreed to get to know lucas, considering it means so much to brooke.

great chapter; i hope there's some brucas in the next chapter and also a nathan and lucas scene where they get to know each other better!

please update soon!

12/22/2008 c10 sophiannabella
Wow,I just finish all 10 chapter and it was awesome. I don't know how come I didn't notice this fiction before. I flove goth Brooke and rebel Lucas so d@mn much. I heart Brooke & Nathan sibling bonding. I hope that Nathan will find out sooner that Dan abusing his lil sis. Update soon k. I already addictive to this fiction.
12/22/2008 c10 3flipflopgal
Ah yay! Great chap! Update soon!
12/22/2008 c10 Long Live BRUCAS
Glad they worked things out and he seesthat luke helped her and is going to give him a chance.

Cant wait for brucas and Nate and luke to inter act.
12/22/2008 c10 1princetongirl
loved it update soon
11/29/2008 c9 59davis-baker
omg, i feel so bad for brooke! and i hate how her and nathan are fighting because i can tell that nathan just is truly worried about her.

i'm sure if he took the time and got to know lucas better, he'd realize lucas really cares for brooke and he'd let the two be. but for right now, he doesn't know lucas and i guess that's why he's so protective. and it's totally understandable, especially since you slipped in something about brooke almost getting raped (which i'm very curious about). so i'm sure that any guy that comes into his sister's life he wouldn't like.

it's so sad that brooke thinks that nathan doesn't know anything about her. i'm sure he does and is just so worried and too overprotective. i hope he'll have a nice talk with lucas and eventually realize he's a good guy. then he'll go to brooke, apologize to her, and they won't fight anymore. they need to work it out 'cause it's just too sad!

i hope the next chapter will have some BL interaction 'cause there wasn't any in this chapter :)

great chapter! please update soon!

-Melissa :)
11/29/2008 c9 BrOoKe DaViS23
Great story i am really liking it. Its soo much different than any other story i have read.

Anyways update real soon.
11/29/2008 c9 16imjustwritingg
so i just started reading this story and i friggin love it! please update soon! i can't wait to see how things progress with Brucas and with Nathan and Brooke. =)
11/28/2008 c9 sam
Good chapter looking forward the next one
11/28/2008 c9 1princetongirl
loved it update soon
11/28/2008 c9 3flipflopgal
Lol! great chap! Brooke does seem a little tragic but I don;t mind! You write really well! Hope you update soon!
10/1/2008 c8 59davis-baker
okay, so i know this chapter was posted like over a month ago. and i'm sorry that i just got around to reading and reviewing it now!

now that that's sad, on to the chapter:

it was great!

i'm glad lucas knew where to find brooke, and i'm so happy with how close they've grown.

nathan is so overprotective of brooke! at first it was nice and cute, but omg! lol. maybe he's a little TOO much overprotective lol.

i really thought the first time he came into her room he was gonna find lucas in the closet. then when he didn't i was like "okay, yay!"

but then when BL started to hook up, i totally knew nathan was gonna come back in the room! i seriously thought he was gonna beat the crap out of lucas, but brooke was smart and thought of a way to stop them.

i can't believe nathan like made her choose between him or lucas. ugh, poor brooke! i feel so bad for her!

the ending was so sad!

okay, great chapter and please UD soon! :)

9/5/2008 c8 1SingingSailor
This is incredibly awesome. I love this completely different Brooke and Lucas thing. It really gives this an edge thats completely fresh and interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next. I would love to see where Brooke ends up and if that actually gets her away from Dan. The other thing is how she's dealing with her mom's death. That is going to be a huge topic and I can't wait to see what will happen.

Update soon!
8/3/2008 c8 3flipflopgal
Great chap! I can't wait for more! Update soon!
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