Just In
for Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart

1/30 c48 Bilbonis
FIN indeed
Thank you for a story full of hope
1/30 c47 Bilbonis
1/30 c46 Bilbonis
OHOOHOHOH Darkspine Sonic
The twist of the ring emotions was peak
1/30 c45 Bilbonis
Oh it IS happening
1/30 c44 Bilbonis
1/30 c43 Bilbonis
Blue rat rodent my blue combatant
1/30 c42 Bilbonis
Poison gas attack
Robotnik cannot deal with the runs after the Olympic games
1/30 c41 Bilbonis
Narrativium Detector skjdjejejwer
The scent of betrayal is in the air
1/30 c40 Bilbonis
Thanks for sharing a bit of the immortal wisdom of Sir Terry Pratchett
1/30 c39 Bilbonis
Rouge being vulnerable with Shadow n'aww
Shadow had to get comforted by Sonic when he got his memories back of all people
The ring of desire
1/29 c38 Bilbonis
Ohohooh Ali Baba has messed up
1/26 c37 Bilbonis
Friendship makes flames burn less bright
1/26 c36 Bilbonis
The power of friendship
1/26 c35 Bilbonis
Heck your narrative we got chaos-powerative
1/26 c34 Bilbonis
So gentle to Amnesia prone-hog
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