Just In
for The Dividing Factor

9/3/2022 c35 heartalm
Nice story. :). Cute ending. Anything with L/M makes me happy. Thanks for sharing.
4/17/2022 c35 43Jedi Jesi Jiin
This was a very well written story. I enjoyed the ride, and it felt like a Star Wars story. Thank you for this adventure! God Bless!
1/29/2021 c35 Guest
Well done. I enjoyed your story immensely.
11/13/2020 c35 6Tarado
I enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing!
9/14/2020 c35 elphien0w
Really enjoyed this story. The pace was excellent, the adventure, i could totally imagine this being published as one of the "official" expanded universe books. Really good.
Loved Luke and Mara interactions here, i always wanted to read more of their married adventures. And this story provided this to me. thank you for writing this!
7/6/2015 c35 4Enigma Jade
I don't often review any more, but i just felt i had to complement your portrayal of Luke and Mara and their relationship. I really enjoyed this.
12/11/2014 c35 27Freefan1412
It's an amazing story. :) I like the plot, the characters, the OCs, the writing styles, the back and forth and underlying happenings, etc. It was fun to read. The right mix of inter-character relations and action and Jedi-hard choices. I'd love to read more from you.
9/21/2014 c35 ThreadSketch

I just want to say that I'm so glad this is on FF.N, because I first encountered this story on TF.N's Fan Fiction Archive and am so bummed that this site seems to have gone down now. This is one of my classic, all-time favorite L/M fics, and I consider this on the level of profic as far as personal canon. Thanks so much for writing it and doing such a fantastic job. [/insert gleeful, squeeing applause here]
4/2/2013 c35 Lynda
I loved it very much and also Pace's personality with Luke during their sickness. I liked the way you write those two.

Continue your good job!...
4/6/2011 c35 IWannaLightsaber
Hurray for happy, looking-into-the future, well-written endings! Love, love, LOVE this story! AWEsome! Loved every word of it! The dialogue between Luke and Mara was perfect! So many stories can't get the Luke/Mara relatonship right but you portrayed them very, very nicely. All the characters for that matter. You are a great writer! I be keeping an eye, or even two, on your other story. Keep up the amazing writing!
4/6/2011 c28 IWannaLightsaber
LOVE this story! This chapter made me laugh out loud! That was awesome! Leia : "He kissed me...he kissed me on the mouth" LOL Awesome job! You've got me hooked! :D
2/21/2011 c35 goodbyebye
This story is fantastic! It's actually better than some of the books. Congratulations!
12/19/2010 c1 Atlasina7
I decided to read "The Dividing Chapter" for a second time as I enjoyed it so much the last go-around. First, though, I went to your homepage, found, then read your second story "Luke Skywalker and the Outer Rim Profiteer". That was freaking hilarious! So well written-and some good 'ole Skywalker saber action. I loved it. To others that haven't gone to Niralle's homepage, I certainly recommend that you do & enjoy her second story.
5/22/2010 c35 17Admiral Daala
Thoroughly enjoyed your story. It's very well written and could have been published as one of the SW novels. Thank you!
11/20/2009 c35 Atlasina7
Loved the story. It had good characterization, good plot and some romance thrown in. Thanks for sharing.
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