Just In
for Pointless Mumbling

1/4/2012 c3 9Phantom Thief Fee
It is the apocolyps. So funny. I couldn't stop laughing the entire fic.
12/7/2011 c1 Phantom Thief Fee
Wow. That is random. And awesome
12/21/2007 c3 Bankotsu.Love.666

its me emiiā™„

1.)Thanx for putting meh in your story! *hug*

2.)Whats an uke?

3.)You need more LEMONS! GRAPHiC DETAiLS!

baiibaii nokie-chan! *hugs*
11/14/2007 c2 22kiwismakemehappy
That's a smexy perverted idiot to you, creepy boy.

Best line ever! Cute and I laughed so hard I almost had a coniption fit.
11/11/2007 c2 1Rikurabbit
noke, sometimes i wonder why i'm even related to you...
10/16/2007 c2 1KyokoHonda49
HAHA ha ha hoho heehee hum. lol very funny. update soon. peace and LOVE! byes!
9/21/2007 c2 23KantanaAmaya
Random and funny, a nice combo. DNAngel is hysterical when this random,lol. Good job.
9/8/2007 c2 Thecrazydarkfangirl
XD lmao, this is funny XD

please update soon
9/1/2007 c1 27Daisukeismyboyfriend

(laughs uproariously) THat's HILARIOUS... I'm going to put some waffle-ness on Dnangel insaneness in bow-ness. And an anime angry mark is a manga vein. ;) For future reference.

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