Just In
for A True Friend

12/15/2007 c1 215crankyXwhenXprovoked
i liked it. and its not a bad title, true friends will always help the ones they love, even if it means they don't get the girl
10/20/2007 c1 13johtolaura
No, sad ending :( Cute little fluffy fic, I love Ryella
9/29/2007 c1 2Shadowsnatcher7
Wow, that was really good! Really sweet and simple and a little sad. Fantastic job writing this. It would be great if you wrote a sequel, but I actually like it just fine where you ended it. But how about writing more Ryella? :) Great job!
9/10/2007 c1 5Starresky
That was so beautiful. Thank you for writing it! Although after that kiss how she can go back to Troy is beyond me :)
9/9/2007 c1 Dirge-Gaurdian
this is really good and I hope you do a sequel some day
9/9/2007 c1 21Mrs Charlie Weasley-thats me

Absolutely wonderful. This ones going in my favourites. You should do a sequel to it. Does she come back in the future... does Troy turn out to be a jerk? :P Please do a seque1!
9/4/2007 c1 3x3xLieToMex3x
I loved this. And I love Ryella. You had quite a way with your wording. I wrote a oneshot similar to this, but not nearly as good. =]
9/4/2007 c1 11mogi93
OH MY GOD. I wish the movie was so :) This story is amazing, I love it! Ryella is better than Troyella...for me =)
9/2/2007 c1 5Lennie1984
I much prefer Ryella :)

Good fic :)
9/2/2007 c1 11ThisIsRealThisIsMe
So depressing. But really great!
9/2/2007 c1 9asianpearl
absolutely lovely! I've just seen the movie and i wish ryan and Gabbi were partners for real.. heh.. troy just seems too much like a brainless jock to me


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