Just In
for Watching over You

6/14/2013 c1 Guest
nice idea
6/4/2009 c1 7I-don't-know-my-name4
Good for adding KL but final score, 3/5. This is better than your other KF fics which I disliked. Though I like Pieces better.
7/31/2008 c1 Det0x45
I always enjoy seeing pieces about Kira’s guilt or feelings towards Fllay’s death. It’s really special when a writer uses the angle of how he actually felt for her; we all knew it was obvious. I do truly believe that even though she had set out to manipulate Kira in the beginning that she eventually fell in love with him.

{Quote) his voice barely above a whisper now. “I don’t want to leave you alone again.” (Quote end)

This was true to Kira’s role in his relationship with Fllay. He was her protector and in her death she took on his duty in order to protect him spiritually. He already had the ability to fight, but as we all know Kira doesn’t know how defend against his strong emotions, thus Lacus’s importance after Fllay’s death; though in my opinion Lacus deserved better.

(quote) For the first time in a long time, Kira felt as though he didn’t have to carry the weight of his grief alone, and that he could let go and trust someone else to hold him. (Quote End)

I loved this line! So true, so true. Kira is a hero much like Athrun, but he uses the good in his life to win his battles, while Athrun let’s the sadness overcome him. Kira also believes that he is the only one who can save everyone, as if he is the soul appointed guardian of souls.

Your short story really got a message across, which I enjoyed reading. So sorry it took me this long to take a look at your work, I’ve been SO busy
5/2/2008 c1 indr0008
that was fabulous for ur first fic

keep on writing
4/20/2008 c1 konekokitty17
Great story!

I hate in stories where Kira doesn't seem sad about Flay's death at all, cause he's got Lacus now :P so I love to see stuff show that he's still deeply affected by her. I also always loved to think that Flay is watching over him so was happy to see that too! :) Really sweet, sad story.
11/13/2007 c1 2LaniZion
Nicely done! I'd give it a 4/5.
9/22/2007 c1 2Irui
it didn't suck. not at all

it flowed well.

It's beautiful. I do wonder what she really wanted to say to him back then. How sad. =(

bittersweet story -sniff-

give me another box of tissues.

i wanna read more! Dakara, keep on writing!=DD

9/6/2007 c1 3Scarlet Troll
Wow...! It doesn't suck at all. I LOVE IT! FAVE!

Keep on writing!
9/6/2007 c1 2NevermorexNevermore
When I read over your stroy it give me that feeling, you know that feeling when you see your fav. character die...sad and stuff.

well this was sad but sweet at the same time.

Flay wasn't never a girl that you could understand easily, but she didn't have to be judged evil so quickly but other people.

your story/one-shot had an easy go, it flowed well ^_^

touching when needed, serious when needed, nice job for your first fic ^_^

and I am happy that I am maybe...maybe the first reviewer ^_^

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