Just In
for Best Friends Forever Right?

8/23/2013 c11 Mr.Mykal
Ok i guess
5/7/2011 c14 NEXUS2.0
I liked it but i thought it was a little rushed, especially the last chapter.
5/12/2009 c14 quadore
wow this was sad and touching at the same time.
10/21/2008 c14 5Music and Reading Lover
i loved it
5/26/2008 c6 kcbalfour
what's a dildo?
11/24/2007 c14 67JessieJay13
1) that was a bit of a bittersweet ending

2) usually women have to stay in the hospital for about two days after giving birth to make sure they're okay and get their strength back and stuff

3) great story!
11/24/2007 c6 JessieJay13
was lilly a virgin? wouldn't that hurt?
11/4/2007 c1 8freeyoursoulx
I like this-it's a very good story. But heads up, next time you write something, work on grammar and spelling, maybe use a beta. I'm no expert myself, and yes- I tend to get a little sloppy with my writing sometimes, but if you do this-more people will read it, and you will get more reviews.
10/28/2007 c14 Dizzle4Life
awesome story, a little sad, but still awesome
10/18/2007 c14 forever-purpe
omg i luv the because she wanted to be with lilly again ending!
10/14/2007 c14 6mcrgryffindorgal
Aw! How cute! I love this ending. MAybe you should have made Miley die earlier. Haha, that sounded horrible! I mean, like she was living without Lilly for so long...ohmygosh this ending is so sad all of a sudden! Haha...i Think you should have made them both die of old age, together. But that might have been just a little to fairytale like! Ok, im just gonna shut the hell up now! xD
10/11/2007 c14 Guest
nice. but uh... u named the second baby miley lilian truscott-stewart... doesn't that mean that julia married someone with the last name truscott or stewart?
10/11/2007 c14 HCC123
wow wasn't expecting that! but still a great story!
10/9/2007 c13 Mrs.Todd1216
update soon!
10/4/2007 c12 mcrgryffindorgal
Hehe. I love it. I love Miley, that was cool! Whats bloody knuckles? Awesome chappie!
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