for Unexpected Love
12/4/2012 c1 Katie
This is out of place!
2/6/2011 c5 333k7love the story
6/29/2008 c4 wolfzero7good story don't think i like kim being totaly helpless though...oh well.
3/6/2008 c4 4tears-of-painAlex is a bad infulence on kim...KEWL asome continue and write more.
2/15/2008 c3 1DonnaUotaniI'm really enjoying it so far I hope you continue
10/24/2007 c1 1sha-kenreni really like this story, and i hope you continue it soon
9/19/2007 c1 shakircrossHm, I like it. Really. Now i understand! LAWL!
9/16/2007 c1 coolgrl21hey i am new member and i just read ur story and i liked please continue.