Just In
for Our Love Is Like A Rose

4/22/2018 c7 Kimmy
Oh my. I can't wait for the update. This is a really wonderful Brathan story.
5/10/2016 c7 Grahamgirl93
I just finished this story. I know you haven't updated in a long time, but I just wanted you to know how great I thought it was and maybe one day you will finish it.
4/17/2011 c7 KSkylaR
This is such a great story

please update it?
1/1/2010 c7 sobreyra274
the more i read this story the more i love it! its so fantastic! excelent job! you should be very very proud! i love brathan! hope they get together! i hate nadia! hope you update soon! i cant wait to read more!
1/1/2010 c6 sobreyra274
i love this story more and more! its totally amazing! fantastic job! poor brathan! hope they get back together! i cant wait to read more!
1/1/2010 c5 sobreyra274
i totally love this stpry! its so amazing! poor brathan! hope brathan work things out and get together! i cant wait to read more! amazing job!
1/1/2010 c4 sobreyra274
i love this story! its so awesome! i hope brathan get back together! i love the breyton and brucas moment! i cant wait to read more awesome job!
1/1/2010 c3 sobreyra274
im totally speechless! poor brathan! hope they get back together! aawesome job! i cant wait to read more!
1/1/2010 c2 sobreyra274
im lovin this story! its so awesome! i cant wait to read more! awesome job!
1/1/2010 c1 sobreyra274
awesome! i cant wait to read more!
12/26/2009 c7 rosseyanna
I love it. It's so good. Please update soon.
12/25/2009 c7 3FyeahJLafferty
I love this damn story!

Please ... I NEED a new chapter! I really love this whole thing.

12/16/2008 c7 Rachel-xox
i really like it
9/17/2008 c7 joonism
oh wow...

awesome story...

cant wait for the next chapter ;-]
7/28/2008 c7 Darkangel22192
I just read this story and I basolutely love it. update soon!
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