Just In
for The Truth

4/3/2012 c1 59Ghanaperu
"It was a right hook to Gisborne's jaw."

Ha ha. I love that.
5/15/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
I really like this! It's funny because I wrote my own scene like this, as you've read. I love yours! It's so pure and straight-forward, just like them.
2/26/2010 c1 55wild-springflower
aww, that is soo sweet, i love it!
7/8/2009 c1 50poyntersally
Cute :)
3/7/2009 c1 4v0mitchild93
Aww, i loved this.

So cute xD
10/15/2008 c1 32htbookreader1
4/1/2008 c1 MarianRobinForever
I love it
1/31/2008 c1 5CalonLan
This is a lovely story :)...I really enjoyed reading it. By the way, thank you for the comment. Yes I wish she was still alive too, awh well!

Lydia x!
1/5/2008 c1 Oviedo
Aw so much hope fter last seasons finale, but now.. there is none! So depressing. But very very good story, reminds me of how much they had! I love Robin and Marian!
11/11/2007 c1 14The Devil Wears Westwood
ah this was sweet!
10/22/2007 c1 226Zaedah
In true romance, the hero would certainly appear just to say I love you. Why doesn't that occur in our poor world? Thanks for reminding me of what our boyfriends forget these days...the little things!
10/17/2007 c1 1110000111100001111000111
aw, that was cute. If only things ended as happily as that in the series... is there going to be more?

paula x
10/11/2007 c1 Lhaewin
This was a lovely ficlet. Especially Marian's "confession" is something I would have liked to see in the series. Thank you for filling this gap.
10/9/2007 c1 mrsfdarcy
Wow! I loved this!

You are a wonderful writer! Will there be more? (hint, hint!)
10/5/2007 c1 44magique
this is very cute!

maybe you SHOULD write more! :P
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