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for Harry and the time turner

4/20/2017 c2 Guest
this suks
5/8/2009 c1 7Bagoosa
It's a bit dry, and James wouldn't be at Hogwarts until 1971.
3/20/2009 c8 Rachel
Umm you have alot of spelling and grammar errors also weren't MWPP and Lily at Hogwarts during the 70's? Also the Internet wasn't around in 1969. Other than that it was a good story and I hope you update soon. BTW this isn't a flame
2/11/2009 c8 1Apocalyptic Carnage

very blunt!
2/10/2009 c7 Apocalyptic Carnage
o yea!


plez update soon!
2/10/2009 c2 Majora888888
HI, sorry for the weight/ typoes, Im just reviewing my storie cuz i forgot where i was, so, yeah, um, ill have the next chapter up later today and ill try and update more often. Thanks for staying with me. Adios!
9/11/2008 c4 Apocalyptic Carnage
9/5/2008 c4 13eeniemeenie
Eh.. It's alright. You should get a beta, or use spell check.

I vote Lily.
9/3/2008 c4 Vellouette
Marauders win. Or at least Sirius, Harry and Remus win, as their my favorite characters.
5/25/2008 c3 Proof of Nothing
Wow, you really need to fix your grammar!
9/30/2007 c3 Seafrost Angel
Ha ha this is so funny

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