Just In
for A Mean Old Man

12/28/2020 c1 ArkhCthuul
One onenhand, could have done with much more. Detail.
On the other, really funny bunny...
1/18/2015 c1 49Thescarredman
Beautiful exposition. I'm thinking this must be a crossover of some sort, though, so maybe you should tag it as such and update the character list. Even not knowing who these two originally were, I found their stories engaging. Thank you for this strange but lovely backstory.

Makes me look very differently at 'War Stories,' and especially the "Take me, sir. Take me hard," scene.
1/28/2011 c1 6abelard
Wow, this is soooooo creative and actually works in terms of the crossover. I usually detest crossover fics but this one is just so right on. Excellent!
2/11/2010 c1 tranquilium
very nice story, though Inara can also be added since she played the Orici in the Stargate series.
12/6/2009 c1 3IAmTheBadWolf315
Wow, that was AMAZINg, adn a total ROFL on that last line. I like it!
2/17/2009 c1 28The Die Hard
HAH! That was really cute. And funny, in a very bizarre way. And perfectly appropriate that River could freak out even two such as they. And by the way, I love your collection of quotes in your intro. Very, hm, revealing. (wink)
10/2/2007 c1 19NicolinaN
Ah! That was the coolest. :D I haven't even seen Angel, but I get the concept. I agree with the others, you really made this work, it's bloody believable.

9/27/2007 c1 4meepscrawler
Sweet! I love this one! And I love Caleb! And Jasmine! And Marcus Hamilton! And Firefly! SO this fic is perfect for me. Please keep going!
9/25/2007 c1 jackie
Wow. This was really good. I liked how you made everything, fit. Terrific job! This could also be the start of a really interesting series... I would love to see how you would make Marcus fit in there.
9/25/2007 c1 11Stellarsiren
Very interesting concept. I love it:)
9/25/2007 c1 10GAKDragonMCB
I thought this was a very interesting take on the other roles of the actors. And I agree with the previous reveiwer. This needs a one-shot to explain the bit with Jayne & "legal lore" - is River comparing him to Marcus Hamilton? Or is Jayne Cobb really someone else?
9/25/2007 c1 25Hazgarn
This story was pretty great, it was made pretty believable. I could see it, anyway. And it would be extremely fun to see "Jayne"'s side of the story.

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