3/29/2009 c1 13enchantedstarlight
Very nice story. It's quite sweet and simple. I really like Oliver as a character and it's nice to see him in this light.
Very nice story. It's quite sweet and simple. I really like Oliver as a character and it's nice to see him in this light.
10/8/2008 c1 17rowan-greenleaf
Aw, that was very sweet. I don't even like this pairing, I'm a die-heard D/G shipper, but that was so sweet and well written I found myself enjoying it just the same. Nicely done. ^_^
Aw, that was very sweet. I don't even like this pairing, I'm a die-heard D/G shipper, but that was so sweet and well written I found myself enjoying it just the same. Nicely done. ^_^
6/16/2008 c1 1HM03GAMER
Rele cute story! i'm actually not a big fan of Ginny/Oliver but it was rele, Rele cute! if you get the chance try to write more!
xxKrAzYxKxx XD
Rele cute story! i'm actually not a big fan of Ginny/Oliver but it was rele, Rele cute! if you get the chance try to write more!
xxKrAzYxKxx XD
12/5/2007 c1 6Saint Ann
Aww, this is so cute! I love Oliver Wood! ^^ Obviously if I make the image of Oliver Wood being Sean Biggerstaff then I'm set! :P lol! 'cause that scottish man's bloody gorgeous! XD heh! Great One-Shot!
Aww, this is so cute! I love Oliver Wood! ^^ Obviously if I make the image of Oliver Wood being Sean Biggerstaff then I'm set! :P lol! 'cause that scottish man's bloody gorgeous! XD heh! Great One-Shot!
11/29/2007 c1 11Varietygirl9143
Very cute story! I laughed when I saw Julie's birthday- April 3rd is my b-day too! ;)
Very cute story! I laughed when I saw Julie's birthday- April 3rd is my b-day too! ;)
10/17/2007 c1 3CaptainCarrotCactus
oh... :( your only GO fic? that's sad... i love that pairing... i think it's so cute :) really good fic, really cute... it made me happy :)... *clears throat as she prepares herself for begging* PLEASE! PEASE write another GO fic... with a cherry on top *smiles innocently*
oh... :( your only GO fic? that's sad... i love that pairing... i think it's so cute :) really good fic, really cute... it made me happy :)... *clears throat as she prepares herself for begging* PLEASE! PEASE write another GO fic... with a cherry on top *smiles innocently*
10/11/2007 c1 1annabelle123
Aww, that was so lovely! =)
I suggest you continue, seriously. Oliver + Ginny = cute couple!
Aww, that was so lovely! =)
I suggest you continue, seriously. Oliver + Ginny = cute couple!
10/8/2007 c1 wrenbailey
So I was flipping through stories and this one just happened to catch my eye. And I fell in love with it, it is so sweet. I didn't even realize it was yours until I finished and saw your signature at the bottom. I loved it and now I am off to your profile to see what else I can find! Bravo!
So I was flipping through stories and this one just happened to catch my eye. And I fell in love with it, it is so sweet. I didn't even realize it was yours until I finished and saw your signature at the bottom. I loved it and now I am off to your profile to see what else I can find! Bravo!
10/2/2007 c1 2JulieMalfoyZabini
OMG! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! That was such an awesome pressie!:D *jumps around the room in joy and happiness* See? I told you that you would be able to write one! :D *smiles* Now, that was such an awesome one-shot! Wait, is it even a one-shot? *confusion* I'll ask you that on msn right now...ah, ok, so it's a one-shot. Well, nonetheless, I still loved the story! *beams and wipes away imaginary tear*
OMG! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! That was such an awesome pressie!:D *jumps around the room in joy and happiness* See? I told you that you would be able to write one! :D *smiles* Now, that was such an awesome one-shot! Wait, is it even a one-shot? *confusion* I'll ask you that on msn right now...ah, ok, so it's a one-shot. Well, nonetheless, I still loved the story! *beams and wipes away imaginary tear*