Just In
for To look upon the light of life

1/16/2017 c1 19thereontheshelf
I know it's been many years so I can only review (because your story is worth it) and tell you how much I'm intrigued and love it, and hope you'll somehow are still reading this and will consider coming back and write more. Please? I'd really really like it if you expanded on this. It's a good premise!
9/14/2014 c1 11knowmefirst
Lovely story, I'm saddened to know that it hasn't been finish. Hope one day you come back to finish it :)
12/19/2013 c1 Kurai01
Please come back and continue this story!
9/21/2013 c1 N
Please add more!
2/15/2012 c1 Crazyficfan
i like it, hope you update.
4/10/2008 c1 16Pace1818
good start update soon it's very interesting so what happens next?
1/2/2008 c1 1Konoko89
This shows alot of promise ... keep it up! I wanna findnout whap happens :P
11/22/2007 c1 SPEEDIE22
Interesting start. Can't wait to read more.
11/9/2007 c1 001ocfan
omg i love it write some more!
10/31/2007 c1 Samantha
WOW! I LOVE how Apollo answered a way to save Troy and Paris' life! POST MORE ASAP! I can't wait to read what happens next!

Love ya,


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