Just In
for National Psychical Academy

1/14/2022 c23 SoryuIkari
Oh nooooo! Please update this story please! Just when everything was stsrting to get sooo good and exciting!
1/10/2022 c14 SoryuIkari
Seven year old Seiya is my most favorite version of Seiya! And I’m saying this with heart googly eyes all over lol! He’s just so adooooorable! Oooh and Taiki! Oh gosh! Usagi you lucky lucky girl! Normally I’d frown upon the idea of a love rival between Seiya and Usagi, but Taiki’s an approvable love rival definitely! Go Minako! I’m rooting for you. Save your prince in distress girl!
2/1/2021 c1 Mausilovesseiya
There’s nothing I hate more than good unifinished fanfics ughhh...well, besides paying taxes. If you don’t plan to finish then don’t start writing. Or finish it with some sort of chapter
12/19/2020 c1 Jsanyaz
I’ve just discovered this story by chance and I just adore it.
It’s been 10 years and you said that this story was almost done, (5,6 chapters left).
So please please update, it’s really original and so well written.
I never imagine Taiki having feeling for Usagi and you made it possible. It was really interesting.
Well very very great job. Please don’t give up this story!
Thanks a lot for sharing your talent.
12/16/2020 c23
10 years have passed and i'm still hoping you would finish this story and the others. I've been a fan of yours for so long, ever since I read The Love Legend. Even if you never finish this story, please know that you are an amazing writer! 3
11/8/2020 c1 Guest
Hello, will there be a continuation of your stories? they are very interesting and I would like to read it so that the legend of love end NPA would win my heart.
I'm also curious about your other stories but unfortunately they are not finished, I look forward to the next chapters
please keep writing
11/7/2020 c23 Guest
Wszystkie twoje historie są niesamowite Usagi i Seiya to moja ulubiona para
Proszę Cię o dokończenie tych wszyskich historii są bardzo ciekawe nie mogę doczekać się kolejnych rozdziałów
11/7/2020 c23 Guest
Bardzo ciekawa historia poproszę o więcej
More, more, plese
7/30/2020 c23 ChanelM
I love your stories so much! Please take the time to finish this masterpiece. Your work is very much appreciated!
3/27/2019 c23 smartmeh007
I am hooked with thus story. Seems it has not been updated for 9 yrs. Any plan for update author? Pretty pls?
9/4/2018 c23 1akatsuki-kou-17
Just wanted to say this after two years of reading this masterpiece: thank you so much for this amazing story. I loved this story so much after reading it, and although it's not finished I still consider this my favorite SeiUsa fic. Also, TaikiUsa is a giftI never thought I would end up shipping this, but you got me with your amazing stories. This story still haunts me and I'd like you to know that I (and prob many other readers out there) really appreciate you. Thanks for blessing us with this stunning fic, and sorry I didn't write you the review you deserved sooner. Stay awesome
12/24/2017 c23 Guest
Who exactly is the prime minister?
8/2/2017 c23 Guest
Amazing story please continueeeeeeeee.
2/24/2017 c1 Starlight016
Please update I love his story and would love to read the end
9/21/2016 c1 Guest
Update please! please,please,please!
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